Stay Positive

 Stay  Positive

My  personal  belief  and opinion is that a positive mindset,
can be set  straight  by feeding it with pray .
Imagine a strong tall  tree and ask yourself  how long it took,
for it to be so strong and tall?.
Ask  yourself again how it all began, this is my view it all started,
as a seed and grew to be strong and tall because it was feed,
with water and sunlight...

Plant that seed  within yourself
I call that seed a positive mindsed and let it grow in your heart.
Then  you'll see positive results  what we all love to call success.
I've  set a goal  for myeslf  to remain positive no matter what.
I see brighter days.

Having a positive mindset is not easy as it seems
but if you invite God into your life  you will see all the puzzles,
of  hope and brighter days coming together.

I've  also discovered that problems and setback are all part of,
the journey...
The  key is how you react when they come along,
if i have a positive mindset and remember that God is by,
my side  I'll  always find a way to deal with them.

A Prayer
My Lord , remind me to love , to care , to be honest,
to have courage , to find wisdom , have faith  ,
to hope , to be kind , to be sharing , to maintain a smile,
to laugh more, to forgive and most all to not forget you are on
my side in good days and bad days.
Have a beautiful day

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