The 'Ani-Human' project

The 'Ani-Human' project: Painted models take a walk on the wild side as they pose next to fierce creatures

Covered from head-to-toe in body paint, these brave models blend in perfectly alongside a succession of wild animals.
After seven-hours in make-up over four days, they look completely at home whether tangling with a 12ft-long python, staring down cheetahs, or riding on the back of an elephant.
The bizarre images were taken by wildlife photographer Lennette Newell and form part of her 'Ani-Human' series of portraits.

When species collide: Photographer Lennette Newell captures a model painted like an elephant as she sits atop the real thing

Growing up the daughter of a vet in San Francisco, her childhood dream was to become one of the animals her father used to treat.
Some four decades later, the 52-year-old artist has finally realised her ambition - with the help of models who have nerves of steel.
Ms Newell said: 'I wanted to show humans and their animal brothers in a new light that we maybe hadn't been seen before.
'The exotic animals came from in and around Los Angeles from renowned Hollywood and television trainers and we shot at the famous Smashbox Studios in LA.'

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