Wackiest Schools and College Majors

1. Sex School (The Austrian International School of Sex, Austria)

If you felt that Sex Ed classes in school were rather inadequate, we have some good news for you. There is now a school that provides courses related exclusively to sexual education, and includes practical instructions as well. The Austrian International School of Sex (AISOS) will soon be open to students near Vienna. The opening was announced by the headmistress of the school, Ylva Maria Thompson. The vision of the school, according to Thompson, is to teach people how to be better lovers. She goes on to say that people spend time and money on training their mind, muscles, and fitness, but do not spend enough effort on developing their love-making skills. This is precisely what the sex school hopes to address.
Curious to know more? Well, all we know for now is that the school plans to provide theoretical and practical training. Courses such as the history of sex and modern sexual theory will be taught. A major chunk of the course, however, will be ‘hands-on'. An entire semester at the school consists of five full-term and three special intensive courses. The cost for a semester is Euro 1,400 which is roughly $1,850. According to the school's website, classes will take place at an 18th century mansion, which is about a half-hour drive from Vienna. The mansion has been redecorated to suit the needs of the school and is equipped with high-tech teaching rooms.

I couldn't find any information on what title you could get after finishing the course, but I think that nailing a husband would be guaranteed.

Note: our readers pointed out that this school turned out to be a hoax. It was made up by a facebook group called The BirdBase. The incident caused some furor in German and Austrian newspapers.