नर्स प्रेमिका

नई-नई नौकरी पर लगी प्रेमिका नर्स ने प्रेमी को बताया - हॉस्पिटल में मुझे कोई नर्स नहीं कहता।

प्रेमी- तो क्या कहते हैं।

प्रेमिका-सब 'सिस्टर कहते हैं।

प्रेमी (चुटकी लेते हुए) : पर खयाल रहे, अगली तरक्की में कहीं 'मदर मत बन जाना।

Religious Thought 137

It is a fool who blames the sun for his own blindness.The scriptures even proclaim aloud: There is in truth no creation and no destruction; no one is bound, no one is seeking Liberation, no one is on the way to Deliverance. There are none Liberated. This is the absolute truth. My dear disciple, this, the sum and substance of all the Upanishads, the secret of secrets, is my instruction to you.
- Shankaracharya

The mind is like the wick of a lamp illumined only through its own radiance.
- Milarepa, "Drinking the Mountain Stream"

Melting Ice Glacier

Majestic glacier towers over Arctic landscape in extraordinary pictures of ice melting into the ocean

  • Breathtaking images captured by photographer Hans Strand, 57, on journey through Greenland, Iceland and Norway
  • Mr Strand covered more than 1,000 miles of ocean on his daring expedition
  • The Swedish tutor says he was once almost killed by a collapsing ice cave in the dangerous North

These remarkable pictures show water crashing from a melting glacier 160 feet into the ocean at the Arctic Circle. 
Tiny seagulls flitting around the frozen landscape and fishermen's trawlers dwarfed by gigantic icebergs emphasise the awe-inspiring scale of the scene.
The images were captured by Swedish photographer Hans Strand, 57, who took his life in his hands by exploring the extreme climate of the inhospitable north on a small ship.
Ice sculpture: The frozen water forms unique shapes on the water in Svalbard, as brave photographer Hans Strand sails past on his small shipIce sculpture: The frozen water forms unique shapes on the water in Svalbard, as brave photographer Hans Strand sails past on his tiny ship