Gina Shared her Pic

Gina Shared her picture on Facebook

A Boy Commented : Wow..

You look so perfect with incredible body and flower like skin.

What do you use?

Gina: Adobe Photoshop :)

One Man's Cave Odyssey

Deeper and down: From underground cathedrals of rock to giant chambers of ice, stunning pictures of one man's cave odyssey

While many of us would think twice before exploring the dark, dangerous caverns of the Earth's crust, for one fearless man, it is the perfect environment  - and his greatest love.
These stunning images of ice formations, mystic lakes and beautiful 'halls' deep underground were taken by Peter Gedei.
The Slovenian photographer started caving 25 years ago and has carried a camera with him on every trip.
Kostanjevika jama cave in Slovenia is one of the stunning scenes photographed by Peter GedeiKostanjevika jama cave in Slovenia is one of the stunning scenes photographed by Peter Gedei