Religious Thought 236

Those who see all creatures in themselves And themselves in all creatures know no fear. Those who see all creatures in themselves And themselves in all creatures know no grief. How can the multiplicity of life Delude the one who sees its unity?
- Isha Upanishad

There are, bhikkhus, two successive Dhamma-teachings of the Tathagata, the Arahant, the Fully Enlightened One. What are the two? 'See evil as evil'--this is the first Dhamma-teaching. 'Having seen evil as evil, be rid of it, be detached from it, be freed from it'--this is the second Dhamma-teaching.
- Itivuttaka

Jubilant are they [the martyrs] because of the grace Allah bestowed upon them, rejoicing in the glad tidings given to those who were left behind and have not yet joined them, that they need have no fear, neither shall they grieve.
- The Family of Imran 3:170

“Lord, take me where you want me to go, let me meet who you want me to meet, tell me what you want me to say, and keep me out of your way. ”

- Prayer of Father Mychal Judge
Who lives in joy does his Creator's will.
- Baal Shem Tov

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