Religious Thought 218

People shed whole jugs of tears for wife and children. They swim in tears for money. But who weeps for God? Cry to Him with a real cry.
- Ramakrishna

If you worship those worthy of worship, --Awakened Ones or their disciples-- who've transcended complications, lamentation, & grief, who are unendangered, fearless, unbound: there's no measure for reckoning that your merit's 'this much.'
- Dhammapada 13, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

When Moses conversed with God, he asked, "Lord, where shall I seek You?" God answered, "Among the brokenhearted." Moses continued, "But, Lord, no heart could be more despairing than mine." And God replied, "Then I am where you are."
- Abul-Fayd al-Misri, The Kashf al-Mahjub

Let nothing upset you, Let nothing frighten you. Everything is changing; God alone is changeless. Patience attains the goal. Who has God lacks nothing; God alone fills all their needs.
- Theresa of Avila

So follow the way of the good, and keep to the paths of the just.
- Proverbs 2:20

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