Religious Thought 150

Live in the world like an ant. The world contains a mixture of truth and untruth, sugar and sand. Be an ant and take the sugar.
- Ramakrishna

If you would like to be with me and to find comfort that way, the first thing for you to learn is the right behavior. Go back to your home and learn to do as your parents want, continue to recite your prayers, and work hard in your daily life. At the same time, clean yourself up, put on proper clothes, and don't neglect yourself again. When you've learned this, come back to me and you may be allowed to become one of my followers.
- Dhammapada

Since reason is our most precious gift from God, we should do nothing to reduce its status or degrade it. Since reason should govern our conduct, we should allow nothing to govern it. Since reason is the sovereign over all human facilities, it should not be made subject to any other faculty.
- Razi, "Kitab al-Muluki"

You don't have to be alone in your hurt! Comfort is yours. Joy is an option. And it's all been made possible by your Savior.
- Joni Eareckson Tada

If you must, sin privately, but profane not the Name publicly.
- Hanina b. Hama, Talmud: Kiddushin

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