Religious Thought 125

If a man considers that he is born, he cannot avoid the fear of death. Let him find out if he has been born or if the Self has any birth. He will discover that the Self always exists, that the body that is born resolves itself into thought and that the emergence of thought is the root of all mischief. Find from where thoughts emerge. Then you will be able to abide in the ever-present inmost Self and be free from the idea of birth or the fear of death.
- Ramana Maharshi

Materialistic knowledge can only provide a type of happiness that is dependent upon physical conditions. It cannot provide happiness that springs from inner development.
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The best of the people are the first to greet others.
- Hadith The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Umamah

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to the garage makes you a car.
- Laurence J. Peter

Remember the virtues you lack and the faults you have; forget the good you did and the wrong you received.
- Orhot Tzaddikim, 15C

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