Intercast luv

True Love Story:

Dog & mosquito wer in Luv.
Mosq kissed d dog Dog became emotional gave a Luv bite
Mosq died by rabies. 
Dog died by dengu. 

Moral: Intercast luv is dangerouS !

Religious Thought 075

Pursuing a happy life without mixing with kinsmen Is like pouring water into a barrel which has no staves. The real profit gained by giving riches Is as one may then live surrounded by kindred. Multitudes of kinsmen will gather around the man Who gives generously and speaks sweetly. In this wide world none enjoys a more faithful family Than he who hands out large gifts and holds back anger.
- Tirukkural 53: 523-526

[P]assion is the cause of blindness, of not seeing, of not knowing, of loss of insight: it is joined with vexation, it does not conduce to Nibbna.
- Anguttara-Nikya

पियानो बज नही रहा

संता जेब्रा क्रासिंग की काली और सफेद पट्टियों पर बार बार इधर से उधर चलता रहता है। 

बंता यह देखकर संता से पूछता हैः क्या कर रहे हो? 

संताः मै कब से इस पर चल रहा हुं, लेकिन यह पियानो है कि बज ही नही रहा.............