Religious Thought 29

Peaceful be heaven, peaceful the earth, peaceful the broad space between. Peaceful for us be the running waters, peaceful the plants and herbs! Peaceful to us be the signs of the future, peaceful what is done and undone, peaceful to us be what is and what will be. May all to us be gracious!
- Atharva Veda 19.9

In reply to the question, 'What is the best that people can possess, what brings them truest happiness, what is the sweetest of the sweet, and what is the pleasantest life to live?' the Buddha answered: 'Trust is the best that people can possess; following the way brings happiness; truth is the sweetest of the sweet; and the practice of insight is the pleasantest way to live.'
- Sutta Nipata

Like the corn fields that yield before the ferocious winds, the believers endure trials with fortitude. The hypocrites like cypress trees stand arrogantly until they are knocked down.
- Hadith The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah

In dreams, the soul transcends the faculties of the body to hold divine communication with the angels.
- St. Athanasius

Prompted by love is greater than prompted by fear.
- Rabbi Simeon ben Eleazar, Talmud

Unusual Fireworks

Unusual long exposure photographs of fireworks look like giant flowers in the night sky

  • Resembling giant three dimensional flowers with their plumes on display, these photographs were in fact taken at this months International Fireworks Show in Ottawa, Canada.
The bright and colourful images were snapped during Spain's entry into the competition and resulted from photographer David Johnson's efforts to add some spontaneity to his work.
Deviating from the standard exposure style that is common among photographers of firework displays, Johnson's decision caused him to fix his focus at certain points around the fireworks when they first went off, and then to refocus his lens at the point of detonation.
Canadian photographer David Johnson used refocusing techniques on a long exposure to capture his images of the International Fireworks Show in Ottawa, Canada earlier this monthCanadian photographer David Johnson used refocusing techniques on a long exposure to capture his images of the International Fireworks Show in Ottawa, Canada earlier this month