Amazing Rock Formations in China

These incredible landscapes look as if they have been painted in the sweeping pastel brush strokes of an impressionistic artwork. But in fact these remarkable pictures show the actual scenery of Danxia Landform at Nantaizi village of Nijiaying town, in Linzhe county of Zhangye, Gansu province of China. Formed of layers of reddish sandstone, the terrain has over time been eroded into a series of mountains surrounded by curvaceous cliffs and unusual rock formations.

Breathtaking Sphinx Observatory at Swiss Alps

The Sphinx observatory is located at Jungfraujoch in Switzerland at an altitude of 3,571 meters. Due to its unique location in an unspoiled high alpine environment and the year-round accessibility via the Jungfrau Railway, combined with the excellent infrastructure, the Sphinx observatory provides unique conditions for successful research in various disciplines such as meteorology, astronomy, glaciology, physiology, radiation, and cosmic rays.
When the Jungfraujoch station opened in 1912 (which is also the highest railway station in all of Europe), Jungfraujoch became the number one place for scientists to conduct research under conditions of high altitude. At first the scientists worked in harsh conditions and lived in temporary shelters. Eventually, the Sphinx observatory was built in 1937 to accommodate eager scientists.
The Sphinx observatory is built on a steep cliff. The mountain top has been tunneled to fit an elevator which ascends to the observatory from the Jungfraujoch train station. The main-part of the Sphinx is used by scientists but for the tourists there is a metal-grate terrace surrounding the building on all sides that provides a stunning 360 degree view of the Great Aletsah Glacier, of the snow capped Alps, and of the green valley down below. From the metal gratting one can see 11,333 feet of abyss down below.

Religious Thought 21

Be unremitting in the doing of good deeds. Do them with all your might and by every possible means. Keep the mind free of impurity. That alone is the practice of virtue. All else is nothing but empty display.
- Tirukkural 4:33-34

Gone to the beyond of becoming, you let go of in front, let go of behind, let go of between. With a heart everywhere let go, you don't come again to birth & aging.
- Dhammapada, 24, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

O You who seek God, know this: We are the mirrors of God, the absolute Truth. Come into this tavern of ruin, O clever one; drink of this cup and see our purity.
- Nur Ali Shah, Masters of the Path

Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded to the individual.
- Albert Einstein

The tallest Buddha statue

Not far from the Chinese city of Leshan is one of the tallest Buddha statues in the world - a statue of Maitreya Buddha. Until recently it was the tallest sculpture in the world. It is carved in the rocks deep in the mountain Linyunshan at the confluence of three rivers.

Work on the creation of the statue took place during the reign of the Tang Dynasty, from 713, and lasted for ninety years. height of the statue - 71 meters, the height of the head - almost 15 meters, the scope of the shoulders - almost 30 m, length of finger - 8 m, the finger feet - 1.6 m, length of nose - 5.5 m It is recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site

The tallest Buddha statue

Not far from the Chinese city of Leshan is one of the tallest Buddha statues in the world - a statue of Maitreya Buddha. Until recently it was the tallest sculpture in the world. It is carved in the rocks deep in the mountain Linyunshan at the confluence of three rivers.

Work on the creation of the statue took place during the reign of the Tang Dynasty, from 713, and lasted for ninety years. height of the statue - 71 meters, the height of the head - almost 15 meters, the scope of the shoulders - almost 30 m, length of finger - 8 m, the finger feet - 1.6 m, length of nose - 5.5 m It is recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Site

हमेशा उल्टा क्यूँ सोचती है?

बहु: माँ जी, ये अभी तक नहीं आए, कहीं किसी दूसरी लड़की के साथ...

सास: अरे कलमुही, तू हमेशा उल्टा क्यूँ सोचती है? ऐसा भी तो हो सकता है की किसी ट्रक के नीचे आ गया हो।