Inspiring Book & Paper Sculptures

A Fun Time With Knowledge. This book sculpture features very detailed skeleton sculptures and old school music player, but what made this sculpture really special is the fact that nobody knows who created it – the artwork was delivered to a library or certain event secretly. (Image Source:chrisdonia)
a fun time with knowledge 40+ Inspiring Book & paper Sculptures

Roads And Paths Photography

It’s hard to imagine that something we see and use on a daily basis can exude so much beauty in photography. The scenic paths we hike on and explore, the roads we take to get to work and to travel across and beyond the boundaries of the country. 

The Scenic Path (Image Credit: Cichutko)
The Scenic Path Showcase
 of Road and Path Photography: 50 Exquisite Shots
Curve (Image Credit: Roger Arleryd)

Seagaia Ocean Dome

Artificial beaches are gaining popularity all over the world. We can see them in Monaco, Hong Kong, Paris, Berlin, Rotterdam, Toronto and others, but the biggest among them is Seagaia Ocean Dome in Miyazaki, Japan.

10 Bizarre Medical Tales

The infamous Murphy’s Law states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. The human body, in all its complexity, somehow finds itself subject to this law more often than not, as evidenced by many items on this list. For the fourth time around, sit back and relax as I baffle you once more with 10 of the most bizarre medical tales you have ever heard.
Fecal Transplant
Combination Enema And Douche Syringe
Marcia Munro of Toronto, Canada, underwent a medical procedure involving receiving fecal enemas to treat her intestinal condition. Yes, you read that right. Called a fecal transplant, this peculiar medical procedure is used to treat victims of the intestinal superbug Clostridium difficult. C. difficult, which commonly spreads in hospital environments, can cause chronic diarrhea or colitis, among many other symptoms. When conventional antibiotic treatments fail to eradicate the bug, stool samples from a healthy donor (usually a relative) are obtained and screened for disease like H.I.V. Mixed with saline, the feces is then administered through an enema. The ‘good’ bacteria from the donor feces flourish in the intestines and wipe out the bug in the process. In Munro’s case, stool samples from her sister Wendy Sinukoff were used, transported in an ice-cream container on an airplane traveling to Calgary, where the transplant took place. The hour-long procedure was a success. In fact, studies have shown that over ninety percent of patients treated with fecal transplants were healed – most of them after just one session.

Camouflage Houses

Casa do Penedo, Fafe Mountains, Portugal

This unbelievable structure is called A Casa do Penedo, or The House of Stone, and is located in the Fafe mountains of northern Portugal. It was built in 1974 between four large boulders naturally found on the site. Believe it or not, the stone house has 2 stories, a swimming pool and fireplace, serving as a family retreat for many years.

वैदिक सूक्तियाँ

वैदिक सूक्तियाँ
अहं वृणे सुमतिं विश्ववाराम्।
मुझे लोकहितकारी सुमति प्राप्त हो।
(अथर्ववेदः 7.15.1)
यन्ति प्रमादतन्द्राः।
पुरुषार्थी ही श्रेष्ठ आनंद पाते हैं।
(अथर्ववेदः 20.18.3)
इच्छन्ति देवाः सुन्वन्तं न स्वप्नाय स्पृहयन्ति।
देवता पुरुषार्थी को चाहते हैं आलसी को नहीं।
(अथर्ववेदः 20.18.3)
विश्वऽदानीं सुमनसः स्याम्।
हम सदा प्रसन्नचित्त रहें।
(ऋग्वेदः 6.52.5)
यत्रा मतिर्विद्यते पूत बन्धनी।
जहाँ पवित्र बुद्धि होती है, वहाँ सारी कामनाएँ सिद्ध होती हैं।
(ऋग्वेदः 5.44.9)
वृणते दस्ममार्यां अग्निं होतारमध धीरजायत।
जो ईश्वर की उपासना करते हैं, उन्हें सदबुद्धि प्राप्त होती है।
(ऋग्वेदः 10.11.4)
ऊर्ध्वां दधानः शुचिपेशसं धियम्।
विद्वान अपनी बुद्धि को उत्तम कार्यों में लगाते हैं।
(ऋग्वेदः 1.144.1)

Gorgeous Women Who Were Born Male

Many people don't realize that transsexual models are popping up in magazines and on runways everywhere. These gorgeous models look and feel like women but were born with male reproductive organs. If we didn't know, we definitely wouldn't be able to tell that they weren't born female! Could you? So, here we bring you such 32 beautiful transsexual women who were born as male. Take a look...

Andrej Pejic

Serbian Australian model Andrej Pejic is androgynous and famous for his ability to model both male and female clothing. In January 2011's Paris fashion shows he walked both the men's and women's shows for Jean-Paul Gaultier and the men's shows for Marc Jacobs. He has also ranked #18 on the Top 50 Male Models list while simultaneously being ranked #98 in FHM's "100 Sexiest Women in the World 2011." 

Evil Scientists in the History

Throughout time, scientist of one school or another have contributed great innovations to the world of medicine, alchemy, chemistry, physics, and more. Most of these gifts have been exceedingly useful and set the stage for even greater advances in the field. However, the coin has another side - a far more sinister and selfish side that somehow twists the very minds of the scientists making them want to do more harm than help. Granted, said scientific minds often believe that the evils that they are ultimately performing are doing good, and this is what truly makes these individuals mad. So, here are the ten of the most diabolical scientific minds in history. Take a look... 

Minimalist Photography

Minimalism is a style employed by many 20th Century artists, using a minimum amount of components such as color, shape, line and texture. Within the art world it is considered an extremely subjective concept, leaving interpretation and meaning up to the viewers perception of the work. The rule is to keep it simple but that doesn’t mean it needs to be boring or uninteresting. The subject has to be the strongest element of the shot, even though it may not take up the majority of the frame. Achieving a strong compositional element to a minimalist photo is absolutely key in enhancing the impact of the shot.

Germany’s Hanging Train

Wuppertal Schwebebahn or Wuppertal Floating Tram is a suspension monorail in Wuppertal, Germany. First opened in 1901, the Wuppertal Schwebebahn is one of the oldest monorail still in operation today. What is also interesting is that the Schwebebahn was never copied as a model for ‘public transit’ anywhere else in the world. This is the world’s first and the only suspended monorail in the world.
At the end of the 19th century, Wuppertal was at its peak of industrialization. The population had reached 400,000 individuals and growing. Even before industrialization set in, Wuppertal was a prosperous town, larger than Cologne, and fully built. The roads there were meant for carriages and pedestrians, and there was no place for laying tracks for tram without creating serious blockages. Underground subway construction was also ruled out as the area was very rocky and contained a lot of groundwater. The German engineers decided that taking the aerial route was the only way.