Fresh or dried fruit – which is better?

Fresh or dried fruit – which is better?

Fresh fruit comes packaged as nature intended and therefore it contains all the vitamins, minerals, fibre, phytochemicals and antioxidants you might expect.  Fruit also contains water — and lots of it.  An apple for example is approximately 85% water and grapefruits, water melons and strawberries all contain over 90% water by weight.
This water content can not only contribute to your daily fluid requirement but it also adds bulk and volume to the fruit which helps to make you feel satisfied and full  - a real plus point for anyone looking to control their weight.
As the name suggests, dried fruits have had most of their water content removed.  This, in effect, concentrates the remaining nutrients into a smaller volume which is why dried fruits, weight for weight, are often richer in fibre, iron and other key vitamins and minerals.  However, this also means dried fruits will also be richer in calories and sugar.

This is partly due to the concentrated nature of dried fruits but also because some dried fruits have sugar added during the drying process.  This reduction in overall volume plus the increase in calories and sugar content means that, if you are watching your weight, you will need to keep a keen eye on the quantity of dried fruits you consume.
The drying process varies from fruit to fruit but several dried fruits are also treated with sulphur dioxide as it helps to preserve colour and flavour.  There is little evidence to suggest this is hazardous to most people however it can cause skin rashes, stomach upsets and asthma attacks in some susceptible people.
Sulfur dioxide also eliminates the Vitamin B1 or thiamine content within the fruit which in itself is not too much or a problem as vitamin B1 is fairly readily available in foods so a deficiency of this vitamin is rare.

Fruits that are dried without the use of sulfur dioxide are often less appealing to look at though as they tend to be more discoloured.  For example, apricots dried without the use of sulphur dioxide tend to be brown and far less appetizing to look at than those treated with sulfur dioxide which are likely to retain more of their original orange colour and shape.
If in doubt, select organic dried fruits wherever possible as these will not have had sulfur dioxide added.
The drying process can also deplete other valuable water soluble nutrients such as vitamin C and other B vitamins. However, eaten in smaller quantities to avoid excess calorie and sugar consumption dried fruits still make a really, excellent alternative to most other commercially prepared snacks.
So, in short, as long as you don't over do it, most dried fruits are a healthy, convenient and nutritious snack.  However, fresh fruits are likely to be richer in immune boosting vitamin C and if weight loss is your goal, their high water content will help with hunger control, helping you to feel fuller for longer.

10 Comparisons Between Chimps and Humans

10 Comparisons Between Chimps and Humans

Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, and yet they were unknown to most of the world until Charles Darwin wrote about and popularized them in 1859. Much about them has only been discovered recently, and misconceptions abound due to the exaggerations and artistic license used in works of fiction. Nevertheless, our similarities and differences are not what many people think. By learning about our relatives we can better understand ourselves.
Number of Species
Orangutan Bw-E1280771919943
Chimpanzees are often incorrectly called monkeys, but they are actually in the great ape family just like us. The other great apes are orangutans and gorillas. There is only one species of human alive at present: homo sapiens. In the past, many scientists tried to argue that there were several species of human, and would often hasten to add that they themselves belonged to the ‘superior’ species. However, all humans can produce fertile children and so we are all the same species. Chimpanzees, on the other hand, are actually two species: pan troglodytes, the common chimpanzee, and pan paniscus, the gracile chimpanzee or bonobo. These two types of chimpanzee are completely separate species. Humans and both chimpanzee species evolved from a common ancestor, possibly sahelanthropus tchadensis, between five and seven million years ago. Only fossils of this ancestor remain.
It is often said that humans and chimpanzees share 99% the same DNA. Genetic comparison is not simple due to the nature of gene repeats and mutations, but a better estimate is somewhere from 85% to 95%. This figure may still sound impressive, but most DNA is used for basic cellular functions which all living things share. For example, we have about half the same DNA as a banana, and yet people do not use this to emphasize how similar bananas are to us! So 95% does not say as much as it first appears to. Chimpanzees have 48 chromosomes, two more than humans. It is thought that this is because in a human ancestor, two pairs of chromosomes fused into a single pair. Interestingly, humans have some of the least genetic variation of all animals, which is why inbreeding can cause genetic problems. Even two completely unrelated humans are usually genetically more similar than two sibling chimpanzees.
Brain Size
Chimp-Human Brain
The brain of a chimpanzee has a volume of 370mL on average. In contrast, humans have a brain size of 1350mL on average. Brain size alone, however, is not an absolute indicator of intelligence. There have been Nobel Prize winners with brains ranging from below 900mL all the way up to over 2000mL. The structure and organization of the various parts of the brain is a better way of determining intelligence. Human brains have a high surface area because they are much more wrinkled than chimpanzee brains, with greater numbers of connections between many of its parts. These, as well as a relatively larger frontal lobe, allow us much more of the luxury of abstract and logical thought.
Chimpanzees spend a great deal of time socializing. Much of their socializing is grooming each other. Juvenile and adolescent chimpanzees will often play with, chase, and tickle each other, as will adults with their offspring. Shows of affection include hugging and kissing, which are done between chimpanzees of any age or gender. Bonobos are especially frisky, and nearly every show of affection is done sexually, regardless of gender. Chimpanzees strengthen friendships by spending extensive time grooming each other. Humans spend a comparable time socializing, albeit more through talking than grooming. Nevertheless, much of the vast amounts of inconsequential chatter we produce is simply a more sophisticated version of chimpanzee grooming – it serves little other purpose than to strengthen our relationship bonds. Humans also demonstrate stronger relationships through physical contact – a pat on the back, a hug, or a friendly shove. Primate social group sizes closely reflect their brain sizes. Chimpanzees have about 50 close friends and acquaintances, whereas humans have between 150 and 200.
Language and Facial Expressions
Drgoodallandknuckles Cropped
Chimpanzees have complex greetings and communications which depend on the social statuses of the communicating chimps. They communicate verbally using a variety of hoots, grunts, screams, pants, and other vocalizations. Most of their communication, however, is done through gestures and facial expressions. Many of their facial expressions – surprise, grinning, pleading, comforting – are the same as those of humans. However, humans smile by bearing their teeth, which is for chimps and many other animals a sign of aggression or danger. A much greater portion of human communication is done through vocalizations. Humans uniquely have complex vocal chords, allowing us a great range of sounds, but preventing us from drinking and breathing simultaneously like chimpanzees can. Moreover, we have very muscular tongues and lips, allowing us accurate manipulations of our voices. This is why we have pointy chins whereas chimps have receding chins – we attach our many lip muscles to the prominent lower chin, but chimpanzees lack many of these muscles and so do not need a protruding chin.
5 Diet
Chimpanzees and humans are both omnivorous (eat plants and meat). Humans are more carnivorous than chimpanzees, and have intestines more refined towards the digestion of meat. Chimpanzees will occasionally hunt and kill other mammals, often monkeys, but otherwise restrict themselves to fruit and sometimes insects. Humans are much more dependent on meat – humans can only obtain vitamin B12 naturally through eating animal products. Based on our digestive system and the lifestyles of extant tribes, it is thought that humans have evolved to eat meat at least once every few days. Humans also tend to eat in meals rather than continuously eating throughout the day, another carnivorous trait. This may be due to meats only being available after a successful hunt, and so are eaten in large quantities but infrequently. Chimpanzees will graze on fruits constantly whereas most humans will eat no more than three times in a day.
Chimpanzee Picture
Bonobos are renown for their sexual appetite. Common chimpanzees can become angry or violent, but bonobos defuse any such situation through sexual pleasure. They also greet and show affection to each other through sexual stimulation. Common chimpanzees do not engage in recreational sex, and mating only takes ten or fifteen seconds, often whilst eating or doing something else. Friendships and emotional attachments have no bearing on with whom a common chimpanzee mates, and a female in heat will generally mate with several males, who sometimes patiently wait their turn directly after each other. Humans experience sexual pleasure, like bonobos, however even sex for reproduction only takes much longer and requires more effort; long-term partnerships naturally form as a result. Unlike humans, chimpanzees have no concept of sexual jealousy or competition, as they do not take long-term partners.
Walking Upright
2009-10-18-Bonobos Upright
Both humans and chimpanzees are able to walk bipedally (on two legs). Chimpanzees will often do this to see further ahead, but prefer to move on all fours. Humans walk upright since infancy and have evolved bowl-shaped pelvises to support their internal organs while doing so. Chimpanzees, leaning forward during movement, do not need to support their organs with their pelvis and so have broader hips. This makes childbirth much easier for chimpanzees than for humans, whose bowl-shaped pelvis is in opposition to a large birth canal. Human feet are straight with toes at the front to help push directly ahead when walking, whereas chimpanzee feet have opposable big toes and are more like strong hands than feet. They are used for climbing and crawling, involving sideways, diagonal, or rotating movements.
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Humans have white around their irises, whereas chimpanzees usually have a dark brown color. This makes it easier to see where other humans are looking, and there are several theories as to why this is so. It may be an adaption to more complex social situations, where it is an advantage to see whom others are looking at and thinking about. It may help when hunting silently in packs, where eye direction is vital to communication. Or it may simply be a genetic mutation with no purpose – white around the iris is seen in some chimpanzees also. Both humans and chimpanzees can see in color, helping them to choose ripe fruits and plants to eat, and have binocular vision; their eyes point forward in the same direction. This helps see in depth and is crucial to hunting, rather than eyes on the side of the head like rabbits which help avoid being hunted.
Tool Use
Chimp Anvil
For many years, humans were considered to be the only tool-using animal. Observation in 1960 of chimpanzees using sharpened twigs to fish for termites has since changed this. Both humans and chimpanzees are able to modify their environment to forge tools to help with daily challenges. Chimpanzees will make spears, use stones as hammers and anvils, and mash leaves into a pulp to use as makeshift sponges. It is thought that as a result of walking upright, our front limbs were much freer to use tools, and we have refined tool use to an art. We live constantly surrounded by the products of this ability, and much of what people consider makes us ‘successful’ is rooted in our tool making.

10 interesting facts about Valentine's Day

10 interesting facts about Valentine's Day

Most of you know that Valentines Day is supposed to be a day to declare your love. It is the holiday that sells the most the greeting cards with the exception of Christmas and it is also a holiday where gifts of candy and flowers are freely and not so freely given as tokens of affection. Here are a few fact’s about Valentine’s day you may not know.

1. In reality, there were actually 3 St. Valentine’s. One was a priest, one a bishop and one little is known about except he was a martyr. The stories of the priest’s and bishop’s martyrdom are so closely related it is difficult to tell which St. Valentine the Holiday is named after.

2. According to legend it was St. Valentine himself who sent the first valentine in the form of a letter to his jailer’s blind daughter with whom he had fallen in love. Just before he was put to death at the hands of King Claudius II for marrying the kings soldiers without the king’s permission he penned a note to his love and signed it: From your Valentine.

3. It is believed that a mount Holyoke college student by the name of Ester Howland created the first lace valentine in the United States from lace, ribbon and colorful pictures. She has become known as the Mother of the Valentine.

4. Teachers receive more valentine cards than anyone else, even children.

5. More than 650 million valentine cards are exchanged by children from ages 6-10 each year. Most of these cards are bought in the last 6 days leading up to Valentine’s day.

6. Each year the city of Verona Italy receives more than 1000 valentine’s addressed to Shakespeare’s Juliet. It really is amazing how much affection a dead fictional character can attract.

7. It was once believed that if a woman saw a flying robin on Valentine’s day she would end up getting married to a sailor. If a sparrow was the bird she saw she would end up marrying a man that was poor and live a happy life, if she saw a goldfinch then she was to marry a man that was a millionaire. One can only wonder who she would marry if she saw a crow.

8. In 1929 at the height of prohibition Al Capone ordered the killing of members of a rival gang run by Bugs Moran in Chicago on Valentines Day. Authorities were unable to find any real evidence to tie Capone to the crime and he was never arrested or tried for the murder of these seven men. Instead he served his time for tax evasion.

9. More than 9 million pet owners buy gifts for their pets for Valentine’s day. Now that is what can be called real puppy love.

10. It is estimated that 15% of the women in the United States who receive flowers for Valentine’s day send them to themselves. There are no figures that tell how many of these women are married, single or in a relationship.

Valentine’s day may be a commercial holiday but, as you can see it is one that has some interesting history and facts surrounding it. 

Statues of Easter Island

Statues of Easter Island

The Easter Island Statue Project (EISP) is a private research program and archive created by Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Principle Investigator and EISP founder and director, with Cristián Arévalo Pakarati, Rapa Nui artist and co-director of EISP.  The profound and immediate need for conservation actions on the moai became apparent over the course of more than 20 years of subjective observation and field experience acquired by us during our island-wide archaeological survey, which was conducted in association with our Chilean and Rapa Nui colleagues. 

The Easter Island Statue Project office is located at 225 Arizona Avenue, Studio 500, Santa Monica, CA, 90401. The EISP field office is located at the Mana Gallery, Petero Atamu s/n, Hanga Roa, Easter Island (Rapa Nui), Chile.

Britain’s most glamorous 100-year-old

Britain’s most glamorous 100-year-old: Centenarian refuses to leave the house without full make-up and perfect hair

Britain's most glamorous great-grandmother still insists on a full face of make-up and perfectly coiffed hair every day - at the age of 100.
Polished Marion Williams will not leave the house without perfectly manicured dark red nails, designer jewellery and expertly applied crimson lipstick.
Former professional dancer Marion loves nothing more than a spritz of her favourite perfume, Boudoir by Vivienne Westwood and her Louis Vuitton handbag.
Glamorous granny: 100-year-old Marion Williams insists on being perfectly groomed each day, topped off with a spritz of her favourite perfume, Boudoir by Vivienne WestwoodGlamorous granny: 100-year-old Marion Williams insists on being perfectly groomed each day, topped off with a spritz of her favourite perfume, Boudoir by Vivienne Westwood

And she even has a uplifting silicone bra in her lingerie drawer, which she asked her daughter to buy for her when she was 95.
Marion - nicknamed 'The Duchess' - spends hours shopping for glamorous outfits each week - and has her nails painted and hair done every fortnight.
    Her eldest daughter Shirley Hodges, 76, who cares for Marion at her home in Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol, said her mother is 'simply amazing'.
    She said: "My mother just looks incredible. When she was younger people would look to see what she was wearing that day and nothing has changed.
    'Her motto has always been, "if a job is worth doing it is worth doing well' and she applies that to her appearance even today.
    Striking: Aged 21 in 1933, former professional dancer Marion with the finger-waved hair and red lips that were the height of fashion at the time - and are now making a resurgenceStriking: Aged 21 in 1933, former professional dancer Marion with the finger-waved hair and red lips that were the height of fashion at the time - and are now making a resurgence

    'Last year she asked the dentist if she could have a teeth whitening treatment. She replied "I don't think you need that" and thought it was hilarious.

    If You Eat an Excessive Amount of Carrots, Your Skin Will Turn an Orangish/Yellow Shade

    If You Eat an Excessive Amount of Carrots, Your Skin Will Turn an Orangish/Yellow Shade

    Take notes those of you from New Jersey, you don’t need to get a fake tan to turn orange, you can simply eat large amounts of orange plants, such as orange carrots.  The resulting condition is known as carotenemia and isn’t as uncommon as you might think.  It particularly rears its orangish-yellow head with infants that are often fed copious amounts of mushed carrots and a variety of vegetables that contain high amounts of carotene.  Carotene is a pigment and if you consume a lot of it, the carotene levels in your body build up and your skin will turn orangish-yellow.  This effect will typically first show up with your nose and/or palms showing the color first, which is why you occasionally see babies with orange noses.
    Luckily, especially for kids whose parents over feed them carrots and other such carotene packed food, this condition isn’t harmful, other than potentially making the kid look like a future star of Jersey Shore, which I guess could be considered a form of child abuse.  But beyond that, all one has to do to make the skin coloration go away is to simply stop consuming large amounts of things with carotene in it.
    While it can cause odd skin coloration, one thing eating large amounts of carrots won’t do is improve your eyesight, at least assuming you’re not malnourished.  If you are malnourished, it may improve your vision.  Specifically, if you aren’t getting enough Vitamin-A, eating carrots (because of the beta-carotene that your body converts to Vitamin-A as it needs it) can improve your eyesight and night vision. However, the fact is that most people in the developed world get plenty of Vitamin-A because it’s in an awful lot of foods, such as: pretty much all dairy products, eggs, peas, pumpkin, broccoli, cantaloupe, spinach, sweet potatoes, papayas, lettuce, mangoes, cucumbers, peaches, pineapples, tomatoes, yellow corn, and many, many more. Further, because excessive amounts of Vitamin-A won’t improve vision any more than adequate amounts will get your vision at and because Beta-Carotene won’t be turned into Vitamin-A in your body if you’ve already got enough Vitamin-A (which is good because too much Vitamin-A can be toxic), eating carrots won’t usually do anything for your vision at all.
    The myth that carrots can improve your eyesight beyond normal, particularly that carrots can improve night vision, was popularized by British propaganda during WWII.  British gunners in WWII were able to locate and shoot down German planes at night due to significant advancements in radar technology during WWII.  To help cover up this fact, the British spread about an urban legend that said that they were able to increase the night vision of their pilots by having them consume large amounts of carrots.  This propaganda campaign included stories about certain pilots like Lieutenant John “Cat Eyes” Cunningham who they said had exceptional night vision thanks to a habit of eating large amounts of carrots.  This lie not only gave birth to an urban legend, but also caused many British people to start planting their own vegetable gardens, including planting and eating a large amount of carrots in order that they’d be able to see better during blackouts.
    Bonus Factoids:
    • Not only will your skin eventually turn orangish-yellow by consuming a large amount of carotene, but the carotene will also be excreted through your feces and urine, which in extreme cases can make both of those turn an orange color.
    • Excessive consumption of the pigment lycopene, found in such plants as tomatoes, can also cause your skin to turn orange, similar to excessive consumption of carotene. This is also harmless and completely reversible by simply stopping consuming the lycopene.
    • One that isn’t naturally reversible is the effect of consuming too much elemental silver, which can eventually turn your skin blue-ish/purple.  The condition is known as Argyria  This is more or less a permanent condition, though there has been some progress recently in being able to reverse the effect, such as one method that uses laser therapy.
    • A somewhat surprising source of carotene can be chicken.  This isn’t because the chicken meat itself would normally contain much carotene, but rather because commercial chicken feed often contains things such as marigolds, which have high amounts of beta-carotene.
    • While consuming too much carotene isn’t typically thought to be harmful, recent studies have indicated that excessive intake of beta-carotene for smokers may increase their chances of getting lung cancer.  The only other known negative to eating too much carotene, outside of the potential cosmetic effects, is that occasionally people are misdiagnosed with jaundice, rather than the correct harmless carotenemia.
    • If you really want to keep your eyes healthy, eating fresh fruits and leafy vegetables is even better than getting your vitamin-A mostly from carrots.  The leafy vegetables typically contain beta-carotene, so you’ll still get your vitamin-A, but they also contain such things as Vitamin C and E, which have been shown to prevent cataracts, as well as normal age related macular degeneration (loss of clear sight to the center of your field of vision due to damage to the retina).
    • Another eye related myth is that reading in dim light will damage your vision.  In fact, this will do nothing to harm your eyesight, other than fatigue your eyes more quickly than normal, which is only a temporary thing.
    • The idea that the Germans didn’t have or know anything about radar during WWII is also a myth (that is even spread about on certain otherwise reputable documentaries *looks at the History Channel*).  The Germans had relatively advanced radar technology of their own and they even used it on occasion, particularly later in the war, though not nearly to the extent they could have had their high ranking officials realized the potential of the technology.  They were also well aware the British were using it, though both sides spread about an amazing amount of misinformation to try to hide their use of radar and the state of their technology, such as with the carrot/eyesight myth.  The Germans even for a time tried to focus their bombing on the British radar towers during the Battle of Britain, but these towers were easily replaced and very hard to hit with bombers at the time, so the Germans quickly abandoned this strategy.  One of the many blunders the Germans made during the Battle of Britain was in under-utilizing their own radar technology (Hitler famously didn’t see much use for it as he viewed it as solely something that was useful for defensive purposes, which of course is amazingly short-sighted).  On a similar vein, they also underestimated how useful radar was to the British as a defensive weapon, with it being a key part of the Dowding System strategy of defense the British used during the Battle of Britain.
    • Another interesting thing about the Battle of Britain was that, while the British had significantly more planes than the Germans thought, they did not have an excess of pilots to put in the planes.  This was never a major issue as they were always able to have enough pilots for their needs, though many pilots were flying as many as 6 or 7 missions per day during certain parts of the Battle of Britain.  However, this likely would have been an issue save for the fact that German Luftwaffe pilots on the whole felt it wasn’t appropriate to shoot pilots who’d been forced to eject and parachute to the ground.  Had they done so, it is thought Britain would have quickly run out of trained pilots as new pilots tended to get killed within their first five combat missions, so this would have been devastating to the Royal Air Force.  The reality was that very shortly after a pilot had been forced to eject, they would land safely, un-harassed while parachuting.  They then were given a new plane and were back up in the air shortly thereafter, often within a couple hours.  Had the Luftwaffe had a more Nazi-like ruthless policy and shot at the ejected pilots, it is very likely the lack of trained pilots in Britain would have become critical and may have tipped the balance in the Battle of Britain.
    • In ancient times, the root part of the carrot plant that we eat today was not typically used.  The carrot plant, however, was highly valued due to the medicinal value of its seeds and leaves.   For instance, Mithridates VI, King of Pontius (around 100BC) had a recipe for counteracting certain poisons with the principle ingredient being carrot seeds.  It has since been proven that this concoction actually works.
    Sources and Further Reading:

    Do chidiyo ki prem kahani

    Do chidiyo ki prem kahani 

    ek din female chidiya ne bola ki mujhe 
    chodkar kahi tum udd to nahi jaogay 
    male chidiya bola udd jaunga to tum 
    pakad lena
    female chidiya boli main tumhe
    pakad sakti hun par pir pa nahi sakti
    male chidiya ki ankhon me aansu
    aa gaye aur usne apne pankh tod diye aur
    bola ab hum hamesha saath rahenge
    ek din zor se tufan aane wala tha
    to female chidiya udne lagi
    tabhi male chidiya ne kaha tum udd jao
    me nahi udd sakta
    female chidiya boli apna khyal rakhna
    kehkar udd gayi
    jab tufan thama to female chidiya
    wapas us ped par aai to
    dekha ka male chidiya mar chuka tha
    aur ek dali par likha tha
    kash ek bar to kehti ki main
    tumhe nahi chod sakti
    to shayad main tufan aane se pehle nahi marta..!

    Moral - Marta humesha ladka hi hai ..

    Wife Shouted

    Wife Shouted:

    Jaanoo, Computer is not performing as per my COMMAND :@

    Husband Calmly answered:

    Jaanoo, wo computer hay HUSBAND nahi



    We all do it, or at least want to be doing it, but do you know everything you need to? Even if you consider yourself to be a Karma Sutra king or queen, sex is a deep and complex subject and, quite frankly, there’s bound to be something you haven’t yet discovered. So, let’s talk sex:

    According to male legend Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘The best activities for your health are humping and pumping’. In many ways this is true; safe sex does have lots of health benefits. Those who have sex once or twice a week have been shown to have higher levels of immunoglobulin A or IgA, an antibody which helps protect you from respiratory diseases like the cold and flu. Also researchers have found that men in their 20s who had five or more ejaculations per week were one third less likely to develop prostate cancer in later life. It would seem Mr Schwarzenegger is on to something.

    Everyone wants more sex and we know how you can get it. Dr Helen Fisher, biological anthropologist at Rutgers University explains that ‘People fall in love when dopamine levels rise in their brains”. This is the neurotransmitter that controls the brain’s reward and pleasure centres. You can only get more dopamine by doing two things. The first is to have more sex. The second is to recreate a rush of dopamine by doing an exciting activity, such as bungee jumping, flying in a helicopter or even doing something simple like climbing a tree. Once you have raised your partner’s levels of dopamine, they will want to have sex with you more.

    When we think of having a romantic encounter with that special someone, we often think of moonlight hitting silk sheets or candles flickering in a seductive, half-lit room. However, our bodies may be more attuned to having sex in the morning. Men’s testosterone levels peak in the morning and so men become more easily aroused at this time. Although many men wake up erect anyway, this does not actually mean they are sexually aroused – but what better way to start a day be it giving or receiving.

    When you’re under the covers, who is enjoying sex more; him or her? Interestingly this is not a new debate. In Ancient Greek mythology Hera complained to Zeus that he got more pleasure from their sex than she did. According to a new study, it is possible that Hera was telling the truth. Researchers at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, found that nearly nine out of 10 young men reported having an orgasm most or all of the time they have sex with their partner. However, less than half of young women experience orgasm that frequently when they have sex with their partner.

    It is possible that beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, but rather in the nose of the beholder. We have sex because we have an innate instinct to reproduce. Therefore we are attracted to certain people because they will produce a strong baby. We find out who will produce these strong babies through our noses. For example, when people sweat pheromones are released; revealing their type of immune system. If their immune system is the opposite to the person smelling them, the two will be a good match, and should find each other irresistible.

    We all know women are hard to read, but there are several physical clues that can help you to know when a woman wants to have sex with you. Firstly, when a woman is aroused her pupils will dilate. If a woman sees a man who she likes when out, but does not know him, she will give him prolonged eye contact. Her lips will also purse and if you catch her repeatedly gazing at your lips then it is very likely that she wants you. However, if a woman crosses her legs or arms and repeatedly looks away from you, it’s time to leave.

    Wouldn’t it be great to be able to understand what it is like to be a member of the opposite sex? Once upon a time, it would seem we were not all that different from each other. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is gender neutral, being neither male nor female. However, the fetus has all the makings of a clitoris and vagina. It is not until eight to 12 weeks have passed that males become distinct.

    When God created Woman

    Inspirational: When God created Woman

    The Woman

    When God created woman he was working later on the 6th day.

    An angel came by and said: "Why spend so much time on that one?"

    And the Lord answered:

    "Have you seen all the specifications I have to meet to shape her? She must be washable, but not made of plastic, have more than 200 moving parts which all must be replaceable and she must function on all kinds of food, she must be able to embrace several kids at the same time, give a hug that can heal anything from a bruised knee to a broken heart and she must do all this with only two hands."

    The angel was impressed. "Just two hands...impossible! And this is the standard model? Too much work for one day...wait until tomorrow and then complete her."

    "I will not", said the Lord. "I am so close to completing this creation, which will be the favorite of my heart. She cures herself when sick and she can work 18 hours a day."

    The angel came nearer and touched the woman. "But you have made her so soft, Lord."

    "She is soft", said the Lord, "But I have also made her strong. You can't imagine what she can endure and overcome."

    "Can she think?" the angel asked.

    The Lord answered: "Not only can she think, she can reason and negotiate."

    The angel touched the woman's cheek. "Lord, it seems this creation is leaking! You have put too many burdens on her."

    "She is not's a tear" the Lord corrected the angel.

    "What's it for?" asked the angel.

    And the Lord said, "Tears are her way of expressing grief, her doubts, her love, her loneliness, her suffering and her pride."

    This made a big impression on the angel; "Lord, you are genius. You thought of everything. The woman is indeed marvelous!"

    "Indeed she is! Woman has strengths that amaze man. She can handle trouble and carry heavy burdens. She holds happiness, love and opinions. She smiles when feeling like screaming. She sings when she feels like crying, cries when she is happy and laughs when she is afraid.

    She fights for what she believes in. Stands up against injustice. She doesn't take "no" for an answer, when she can see a better solution. She gives herself so her family can thrive. She takes her friend to the doctor if she is afraid. Her love is unconditional.

    She cries when her kids are victorious. She is happy when her friends do well. She is glad when she hears of a birth or a wedding. Her heart is broken when a next of kin or friend dies. But she finds the strength to get on with life. She knows that a kiss and a hug can heal a broken heart.

    There is only one thing wrong with her…