Seven useful tips for employees for success and survival

Seven useful tips for employees for success and survival 

1.  Bane raho pagle, Kaam karenge agle.

2.  Bane raho dull, Salary milegi full.

3. Jisne lee tension, Uski wife ko mil gayi pension.

4. Kaam se daro nahi, Par kaam koyi karo nahi.

5. Kaam karo ya na karo, kaam ki fikr jaroor karo.

6.  Kamm ki fikr karo ya na karo, Par fikr ki zikr jaroor karo.

7. Jo kaam kare usko ungli karo aur jo naa kare uski chugli karo.

Be proud to be employee !!!!!!

Who invented the Bulletproof vest?

Who invented the Bulletproof vest?

You might imagine the inventor being someone from the Army or apoliceman, but the true creator was a pizza delivery man! On July 21st, 1969, Richard Davis was delivering pizzas in Detroit when he was held up at gunpoint!
Luckily for the former marine, Davis had a gun of his own and shot two of the attackers but was hit twice himself. This incident gave him an idea for people like cops to avoid injury by wearing padding of some kind. The first prototype for the bulletproof vest was created by Davis out of a roll of nylon and the straps from his car’s seatbelt!
He went around to police stations shooting himself in the chest to demonstrate its power. Later, Davis created a second vest design using Kevlar, which is 230% stronger than nylon!

cheapest global position locator

cheapest global position locator

Now a days everyone talks about google earth..address locator etc...!!!
Here is a site which will locate You... without providing any data input....!!!!

It's amazing.....!!!
i just wonder how they find "You" through internet.....!!!

12 Ways to Stay on Top of Stress

12 Ways to Stay on Top of Stress 

  1. Exercise. Amen for endorphins. Believe me, they've helped me many days with my perspective. If you have to work out, then go take a brisk walk and get that blood flowing. It isn't about working out to lose weight -- it's about being healthy and staying sane.
  2. Eat the real stuff. Crappy food (fast, processed, and loaded with sugar) doesn't help your chemical brain and body handle stress. Living food, real food, helps support your mind and body while it's trying to deal with the million things coming its way. Every time I reach for the chocolate, I'm looking to feel something from it. Don't get me wrong -- if it's just a little here and there because I enjoy the taste of it, great. But if I'm using it the minute I feel overwhelmed, then that's when that food is no longer OK to eat. It doesn't make the problem go away, and then I just feel bad about eating the food to pacify myself. Grab green food instead. Put things in your mouth that are going to support your immune function and keep you levelheaded.
  3. Notice. Try not to let the stress overtake you. Recognize the situations that cause the stress and notice them coming your way. You have a better shot at fending off the full effects of the stress when you can anticipate it.
  4. Get it off your chest. Talk to a friend or partner about the stress. Sometimes just getting it off your chest can help unload some of the burden.
  5. Keep your sense of humor. If you do have the chance to talk about it, try to see the irony and humor in the wacky bits. I think someone is dead in the water once they lose their sense of humor.
  6. Stay grateful. My daughter has large lungs and verbal skills she likes to display. Just when I start to wishfully think about her being quiet, I remind myself to be grateful that she can talk to me at all. In almost all of our problems are boatloads of blessings. "Oh, I don't feel like going to the gym."  Well, Amen that you have the means and the health to even be able to wrestle with the idea of going to work out. Make a habit of saying thank you. You will notice the sunny spots a lot more often, and not just the gray skies and storms.
  7. Ask, "What's the hurry?"  Have some fun. We're always so busy going somewhere, we miss just enjoying the moment. If an opportunity comes your way to do something fun, take it.
  8. Take a deep breath. When you feel the stress getting to you, take a moment. Get away, even if it's just for an hour, to be with yourself and your thoughts. Some people like to take a walk, meditate, lock themselves away in a beautiful bath, or go to church. Find the peace and the silence.
  9. Keep it simple. Simplify where you can. Does Junior really need to be in 78 activities at the age of 5?  Do you have to go to every little party or gathering you're invited to?
  10. Turn of the TV. A lot of it is bad news anyway, and it robs us of hours that we could use to be getting other things done. Since everyone complains that they have no time, get some by unplugging from the tube.
  11. Sleep. If you're rested, you have a better shot at handling things. Not to mention, you may not stress out as easily if you have a chance to recover at night.
  12. Drink water. I have said it before: Americans consume 21 percent of their calories through liquid consumption. Hydrate with water. Help you entire system function better just by drinking enough water. Oh, and by the way, if you don't think that weight loss and proper hydration have a relationship, think again. Shift the paradigm on its side -- don't think about exercise and nutritional eating just as something you have to suffer through to get into those jeans. Instead, think of them as armor that will protect you in this crazy world, with all of the bazillion details you deal with every day.

Top 10 Suicidal Writers

Top 10 Suicidal Writers

Although the image of the tortured artist might seem like a stereotypical archetype, there seems no shortage of evidence that people of a creative bent often suffer from mental illness. The examples are manifold – Van Gogh, the painter who had, according to art critic Robert Hughes “…fits of despair and hallucination during which he could not work, and in between them, long clear months in which he could and did, punctuated by extreme visionary ecstasy.” He was known for cutting off his ear during one of his episodes and giving it to a prostitute. He died of a self inflicted gunshot wound. Beethoven was known for periods of melancholy and was likely bipolar. William Blake, scion of the Romantic Age, was considered a lunatic by his peers.
What precise facet of mental illness lends certain minds their ingenious spark will probably forever be open to conjecture. We do know that the pain involved often leads these people to the ultimate act of self destruction. Below follows a list of ten famous authors who either committed or attempted suicide.

Jack London

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The author of such rugged tales as The Call of the Wild and White Fang, Jack London was a strange, fierce man of socialist ideals. When his mother was pregnant with him, she tried to commit suicide by taking an overdose of laudanum and shooting herself in the head. The pistol misfired. London grew up to be an oyster pirate, a gold digger, and a revolutionary – pushing for political assassinations and calling for the genocide of various races depending on his mood. It is believed London was bipolar – he was also an alcoholic, and frequently suicidal. He may or may not have killed himself with a morphine overdose.

Kurt Vonnegut

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Perhaps best known for his book Slaughterhouse-Five, a satire about the author’s own experiences during World War II, Kurt Vonnegut was likely born with the seed of mental illness. His mother committed suicide in 1944, overdosing on sleeping pills. Vonnegut considered himself a humanist and eschewed religion for the most part. His writing was in the darkly humorous vein of Mark Twain, who he adored. He suffered from depression and attempted to kill himself in 1984. His own son Mark was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and some elements of schizophrenia.

Hunter S. Thompson

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The founder of Gonzo Journalism, Thompson is best remembered for his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, and a wild, irreverent lifestyle of guns, drugs, and hard drink. He was reckless to the point of suicide, indeed getting his start by riding with the Hell’s Angels and doing an expose. When they realized his intentions, they beat him down. In his later years, Thompson lived in a rural compound in Colorado. He succumbed to a self-inflicted gunshot wound in 2005. His suicide note read: “No More Games. No More Bombs. No More Walking. No More Fun. No More Swimming. 67. That is 17 years past 50. 17 More than I needed or wanted. Boring. I am always bitchy. No Fun – for anybody. You are getting Greedy. Act your old age. Relax – This won’t hurt.”

Sylvia Plath


Plath suffered terribly from depression; during her college years she had both electroconvulsive and insulin shock therapy, and attempted suicide. She funneled many of these experiences into her semi-autobiographical novel, The Bell Jar. She attempted suicide again in a car accident, and left her husband after she caught him cheating with another woman. She finally succeeded in killing herself, inhaling carbon dioxide fumes from her oven. She was only 30, and left behind two small children.

John Kennedy Toole

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Toole was unique to this list in that all his work was released posthumously. A professor at Tulane University, he attempted to sell his novel, A Confederacy of Dunces to publisher Simon & Schuster. Despite its promise, the manuscript was not sufficiently plot driven to attract interest. Toole took his rejection dreadfully, gaining and enormous amount of weight, his wit and good humor vanishing. After an argument with his mother, he went on a road trip, culminating in his suicide. In Biloxi, Mississippi, he ran a garden hose from the exhaust of his car in through the window and died. Years later, his mother convinced novelist Walker Percy to read A Confederacy of Dunces. Percy was blown away by the enormous potential of the manuscript, and used his influence to have it published. The book, a comic masterpiece, won the 1981 Pulitzer Prize for fiction.

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe Crop

Poe was a tortured genius, having lived through a great deal of personal tragedy, including the death of his wife in her early twenties (she was also his cousin). He turned to drugs and alcohol, and his intense melancholy and obsession with death can clearly be seen in his work, especially perhaps The Raven, a dirge of lost love that brought him to national prominence. He attempted suicide in 1848. He was found delirious in a Baltimore tavern. He died on October 7, 1849. The cause of his death has remained a mystery to this day, with theories as unlikely as rabies considered.

Virginia Woolf


Woolf’s most famous work was Mrs. Dalloway, a well praised novel that explored themes of mental illness, homosexuality, and existence itself. She suffered a number of nervous breakdowns, and was briefly institutionalized in 1904, after her father died. She later reported sexual abuse at the hands of her half brothers that likely contributed to her psychological issues. World War II fueled her pain – her London home was destroyed by the Germans during the Blitz. On March 28, 1941, she drowned herself in the River Ouse, the pockets of her coat laden down with stones. Her body wasn’t found for nearly a month. She left a heartbreaking suicide note for her husband.

Raymond Chandler


Chandler was the father of Philip Marlowe, the hard-nosed, wise-cracking private detective played by Humphrey Bogart in The Big Sleep. He didn’t publish his first novel until he was in his fifties. He was a hard drinking, somewhat irascible man who had a tendency toward clinical depression. When his wife, who was 18 years his senior, died in 1954, he went off the deep end, attempting suicide in 1955. His gritty, minimalist prose has long been celebrated since his death in 1959.

David Foster Wallace


Wallace, a personal favorite, is best known for his novel Infinite Jest, a massive magnum opus of nearly half a million words, including wildly detailed and tangential footnotes. A college professor, he was adored by students and readers alike for his humble, self-effacing manner and incredible sense of empathy. His work is not easily approached, but his keen perception and understanding has the uncommon ability to make readers feel less alone. Wallace suffered from crippling depression his entire life, and it was only through use of medication that he was able to operate. After experiencing bad side effects from his antidepressant, he attempted to wean himself off the drug. Unfortunately, his depression returned, and despite electroconvulsive therapy, the pain was too much for him to bear. He hung himself on September 12, 2008. Fragments of a novel he was working on for years were assembled posthumously and published under the title The Pale King.

Ernest Hemingway

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Beneath the brash exterior of the man responsible for The Old Man and the Sea and For Whom the Bell Tolls, Hemingway suffered from mental illness throughout his life. In retrospect, psychologists assert he may have been bipolar, with certain personality disorders. He may have also suffered from brain damage from his many brushes with violence. It is certain he had haemochromatosis, a rare hereditary disorder which causes iron overload in the body and has many devastating side effects. In the late 1950s, his health began to fail, and by 1960, he was lost. Electroconvulsive therapy failed to help him. He killed himself with a shotgun in 1961. Suicide ran in the Hemingway family – Ernest’s father, his sister Ursula, his brother Leicester, and granddaughter Mariel also succumbed.

why men love-2

why men love-2

11.Because they cry their eyes out when they hear the Rolling Stones singing "Angie".

12.Because sometimes they complain about things that we feel too, such as colds and rheumatic pains,
and then we understand that they are people just like us.

13.Because while our armies invade other countries, they remain firm in their private and inexplicable war
to put an end to all the cockroaches in the world.

14.Because they are capable of going to work dressed like men, in their delicate little suits,
whereas no man would ever dare go to work wearing a skirt.

15.Because they really take seriously everything that is happening in the private lives of celebrities.

16.Because they smile every time they pass a child.

17.Because they do everything necessary for the house to be tidy and perfect,
and never expect any recognition for the work they have done.

18.Because they still feel they are adolescents even after they grow old.

19.Because we came from them, will go back to them, and until that happens,
live in orbit around the feminine body and soul.

Our lives and our thoughts always revolve around them, their bodies and souls are ever-present in our minds.
Their femininity, elegance and strength transport us to another world.
A woman's laugh touches our soul as well as seeing tears of happiness or sadness in her eyes.
Women are the most beautiful and sublime creations in the universe to a man, and they always will be.

why men love - 1?

why men love - 1?

So, why do men love women?
Here is a list of opinions and ideas taken from Paolo Coelho Newsletter.

1.Men love women because they walk down the street erect, always looking straight ahead,
never turning round to say thanks or return the smile or compliment we make when they pass by.

2.Because they don’t complain about the sacrifices they make for the sake of the ideal of beauty, facing up to waxers,
Botox injections and menacing machines in gyms.

3.Because if they want to know something about their own appearance,
they ask other women and don’t bother us with this type of question.

4.Because they feel compassion, and say "I love you" precisely when they are beginning to love us less,
to make up for what we can feel and notice.

5.Because they have their own ways of solving problems, which we never understand,
and that makes us mad.

6.Because they just love exotic cocktails with different colors and delicate little ornaments,
while we always have the same old whiskey.

7.Because they prefer to eat salads.

8.Because they write love stories.

9.Because they draw and paint their faces with the same concentration
as Michelangelo working on the Sistine Chapel.

10.Because they don’t waste hours thinking about how they are going to approach
the pretty young man who has just come on the bus.