Weird Body Piercing for the Love of Gods

Weird Body Piercing for the Love of Gods

In late September and early October in Thailand held an unusual vegetarian festival. I order to Nine Emperor Gods give them good health and peace of mind, these people during the festival, which lasts 9 days, must comply with many rules. These days they do not eat meat, drink alcohol, have sex or wear white clothes, and must maintain body hygiene and kitchen accessories… What’s really spectacular is sticking various objects through the face: knives, sabers, saw, glasses, spears… Every drop of blood, and every scar is a gift for purifying the soul. This expression of devotion and love to the gods during the ceremony is often a very creepy and bizarre, but always spectacular.

Tottori Sand Dunes: A Mini Desert in Japan

Tottori Sand Dunes: A Mini Desert in Japan

Who would have thought there is a desert in Japan? Well, not quite a desert but a huge sand dune that looks nearly a desert to me. It’s the Tottori Sand Dunes located near Tottori City in Honshū, Japan. The dunes stretch along the coast east of Tottori City for 16 kilometers and extend up to 2 kilometers away from the coast. The dunes are spread over an area of 30 square kilometers – not like the Sahara, but not small either.
The Tottori Sand Dunes were created by sediment deposits carried from the Chūgoku Mountains by the Sendai River into the Sea of Japan. Sea currents and wind help bring the sand from the bottom up onto the shore, where the wind constantly rearranges their shape. The highest dunes reach around 90 meters above sea level and can reach 40 degree slopes. Technically, its not a desert but the temperature of the sand can easily soar above 50C on sunny summer days. A number of hardy species of plants and animals also thrive in sections of the dunes.
The dunes have existed for over 100,000 years, but the area of the dunes has been steadily decreasing due to a government reforestation program following World War II. Additionally, concrete barriers erected to protect the coast from tsunamis have disrupted the currents responsible for bringing the sand to shore.
The Tottori Sand Dunes attract some two million visitors each year, mostly from within Japan and East Asia.

Chara Sands: Miniature Desert in the Freezing Cold of Siberia

Chara Sands: Miniature Desert in the Freezing Cold of Siberia

Just 40 kilometers from the Kodar Glaciers in Kalar district of Trans-Baikal region, right next to the snow-capped mountains and the limitless sea of taiga spotted with blue lakes and huge ice fields, lies a bright yellow spot – the Chara Sands. This sand dune is approximately 10 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide; some of the dunes are as high as 15 – 30 meters. The terrain here is so pronounced it almost looks like a real desert. Nowhere else in the entire tundra such large volume of loose shifting sands can be found. Against the backdrop of the cold mountains, the Chara Sands is an extraordinary sight.
Chara Sands is a truly amazing place. It’s like a real desert, but with features you won’t see anywhere else except in Trans-Baikal. Cold blue icing right next to warm yellow sand; instead of camels, a reindeer caravan treads across the sands, tended by an Evenk driver. You might stumble upon an oasis among the sand ridges where palms gave way to northern larches. The desert is surrounded by mountains covered with snow even during the summer; the dunes run into bogs or lakes.

Despite the sands dune’s small area, the terrain is quite uneven here. In the central region it’s mostly dunes and dune chains, interspersed with blown hollows and hilly sands. In the outskirts, it’s sand ridges. Large dune chains look very impressive – between 150 and 700 meters long. And the whole chain stretches for 2.5 kilometers, 15-30 meters high. In the central part of the massif there’s a 40-50-meter high ledge integrated into the dune chain’s slope. In the south-west the dune chains get thicker, and are the highest. The windward dune slopes are gentle (10-15°), while the lee ones are steep (30-35°), covered with ripples.
Chara Sands was formed during the Muruktin (Zyrian) glaciation period (about 100 – 55 thousand years ago) as a lake delta at the front zone of the Sakukan glacier, when Chara hollow was filled with water. Wind erosion during the Holocene era affected the top 20 meters of the massif producing the ripples, dunes, blown sands etc., mostly stretched in the north-western direction.
Chara Sands is 6 kilometers from the district capital Chara; you can get there by plane or by train.

On the Walk of Life

On the Walk of Life

Sometimes we feel half lost, alone and feel the need to seek new ways for our lives ...

Along this path, we found many stones that stoned become a precious jewel: the experience!

Find younger people ... And with them relearn the lost innocence ...

We will find older people ... And they learn to be mature ...

We learn that fire burns also warms the cold nights ...

At some point our journey will be interrupted and will learn that it was only a pause for the rest of the soul ..

Sometimes we think we lost some people, but after they realized is that we lost.

Feel fear and loneliness, but we always find a helping hand of Him who was crucified for us ...

And if we think the walk is too long, we are assured of always warm embrace of those who would also give his life for us: our parents.

At the end of this great journey called life, I realized what really matters are those things that we carry in our hearts.

So, keep only the good feelings. Thus we arrive with a light heart and suitcase full of good memories.

Few Jokes

Few Jokes

03 fastest modes of Communication:
01. Tele-Phone
02. Tele-Vision
03. Tell to Woman
Need still FASTER - Tell her NOT to tell ANY ONE.

One GOOD way to REDUCE Alcohol consumption:
Before Marriage - Drink whenever you are SAD
After Marriage - Drink whenever you are HAPPY

Love your friends not their sisters. Love your sisters not their friends.

A man got 2 wishes from GOD. He asked for the Best wine and Best Woman.
Next moment, he had the Best Wine and Mother Teresa next to him.


What is a BEST and WORST news you can hear at the SAME time?
It is when your Girl Friend says YOU are the BEST KISSER among all your Friends.


Let us be generous like this: Four Ants are moving through a forest.
They see an ELEPHANT coming towards them.
Ant 1 says: we should KILL him.
Ant 2 says: No, Let us break his Leg alone.
Ant 3 says: No, we will just throw him away from our path.
Ant 4 says: No, we will LEAVE him because he is ALONE and we are FOUR.


If you do NOT have a Girl Friend - You are missing SOME thing in your life.
If you HAVE a Girl Friend - You are missing EVERY thing in your life.


Question: When do you CONGRATULATE someone for their MISTAKE.
Answer: On their MARRIAGE.


When your LIFE is in DARKNESS, PRAY GOD and ask him to free you from Darkness.

Even after you pray, if you are still in Darkness"

