Religious Thought 117

Every good fortune, Wives, friends, houses, lands, All these gifts and riches ... They are a dream, A juggling act, A traveling show! A few days, and they are gone.
- Ashtavakra Gita 10:2

Don't cling to your own understanding. Even if you do understand something, you should ask yourself if there might be something you have not fully resolved, or if there may be some higher meaning yet.
- Dogen

Listen to your heart and not your ego. Your ego prompts you to boast of vain assertions to obtain the glory of this world. Turn away from vanity and seek Him in the recesses of your heart and soul.
- Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, "Fayuz E Yazdani"

Prayer does not fit us for the greater work, prayer is the greater work.
- Oswald Chambers

If we were to walk in the woods and a spring appeared just when we became thirsty, we would call it a miracle. And if on a second walk, if we became thirsty at just that point again, and again the spring appeared, we would remark on the coincidence. But if that spring were there always, we would take it for granted and cease to notice it. Yet is that not more miraculous still?
- Baal Shem Tov

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