Religious Thought 108

Love never claims, it never gives. Love ever suffers, never resents, never revenges itself.
- Mahatma Gandhi, 1925

Subhuti asked: "Is perfect wisdom beyond thinking? Is it unimaginable and totally unique but nevertheless reaching the unreachable and attaining the unattainable?" The Buddha replied: "Yes, Subhuti, it is exactly so. And why is perfect wisdom beyond thinking? It is because all its points of reference cannot be thought about but can be apprehended. One is the disappearance of the self-conscious person into pure presence. Another is the knowing of the essenceless essence of all things in the world. And another is luminous knowledge that knows without a knower. None of these points can sustain ordinary thought because they are not objects or subjects. They can't be imagined or touched or approached in any way by any ordinary mode of consciousness, therefore they are beyond thinking."
- Prajnaparamita

A believer is never tired of hearing about good deeds until he enters Paradise.
- Hadith The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Sayeed al-Khodri
- The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Sayeed al-Khodri

Faith is not the holding of correct doctrines, but personal fellowship with the Living God.
- William Temple

What is national freedom if not a people's inner freedom to cultivate its abilities along the beaten path of its history?
- Ahad HaAm, "HaShiloah"

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