Religious Thought 103

O Master, Tell me how to find Detachment, wisdom, and freedom! Child, If you wish to be free, Shun the poison of the senses. Seek the nectar of truth, Of love and forgiveness, Simplicity and happiness.
- Ashtavakra Gita 1:1-2

No misers go to the world of the devas. Those who don't praise giving are fools. The enlightened express their approval for giving and so find ease in the world beyond.
- Dhammapada 13, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Sovereigns and slaves, oppressors and mediators, hypocrites and the truthful, this world is passing, but the hereafter infinite. Strive therefore for the Lord alone. Attain to piety and purify your hearts. Save yourselves; do not be held back from divine mercy. The path of adoration may render the body weak and fill the heart with sorrow, but all sorrow departs the instant He touches the heart, awakening it to an abounding freedom.
- Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, "Fayuz E Yazdani"

The continual looking forward to the eternal world is not a form of escapism or wishful thinking, but one of the things a Christian is meant to do.
- C.S. Lewis

It is better to have less if it is with peace of mind than to have abundant wealth but with a tormented spirit.
- Ecclesiastes

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