Religious Thought 095

What is old friendship? It is when neither friend objects To the liberties taken by the other.
- Tirukkural 801

Overcoming attachment does not mean becoming cold and indifferent. On the contrary, it means learning to have relaxed control over our mind through understanding the real causes of happiness and fulfillment, and this enables us to enjoy life more and suffer less.
- Kathleen McDonald, "How to Meditate"

Before He created life, the Almighty Allah declared, "My Mercy shall surpass My Wrath." Thus was it written.
- Hadith The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Abu Hurairah

[Prayer] is as a healing water which causes the roots of our good desires to send forth fresh shoots, which washes away the soul's imperfections, and allays the thirst of passion.
- St. Francis de Sales

He who possesses both learning and piety is like an artist with his tools ready to hand.
- Rabbi Johanan b. Zakkai

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