Religious Thought 082

In the dark night live those for whom The world without alone is real; in night Darker still, for whom the world within Alone is real. The first leads to a life Of action, the second to a life of meditation. But those who combine action with meditation Cross the sea of death through action And enter into immortality Through the practice of meditation. So have we heard from the wise.
- Isha Upanishad

First of all, do not predefine understanding, and do not make a principle of non-understanding.
- Ying-an

The words, "Praise be to Allah," are the easiest to recite, yet heaviest in balance and dearest to the Merciful.
- Hadith The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Abu Hurairah

With all things, it is always what comes to us from outside, freely and by surprise as a gift from heaven, without our having sought it, that brings us pure joy.
- Simone Weil

A people's memory is history; and as a man without a memory, so a people without a history cannot grow wiser, better.
- Isaac Leib Peretz

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