Religious Thought 071

A jubilant heart rejoices upon seeing those who give without scoffing or scorning. Deprived of beggars, this vast and verdant Earth would become uncharitable, a ball for the play of wooden puppets.
- Tirukkural 106: 1057-1058

Plunge boldly into the Beyond, then be free wherever you are.
- Shoitsu

To know your own illness is the proper remedy. When you repent you feel humility. That is the time to obey the Prophets command "Have mercy." Why do you presume to be safe and fortunate? Dont you remember Gods solace, "Do not fear"?
- Rumi

Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.
- Psalm 127:1 (Revised Standard Version)

Wisdom, properly used, is a remedy for every ill; but when misdirected, becomes an incurable disease.
- Bahya, "Hobot HaLebabot"

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