Treasures of Egypt

Treasures of Egypt
Egypt - is not only the oldest but also one of the most magnificent civilizations that ever existed on earth. The third part of the historical monuments of the world is here. Pyramids and the majestic Sphinx, the temples and tombs of the Pharaohs has always attracted tourists from all corners of our planet.
We offer a ride on the wonderful historical sites of Egypt.

1.Chudesa Desert Tourists ride rented horses and camels to the Pyramids of Giza, near historical sights of Cairo, Egypt. Pyramids - the only surviving structures of the seven architectural masterpieces, which were named one of seven new Wonders of the World in 2008.
2. Great Sphinx The Great Sphinx of Giza, the huge statue of half man, half-lion on the west bank of the Nile, near modern Cairo, on the background of the Great Pyramid of Khafre. Great Sphinx of Giza - one of the greatest sculptures in the world, made from one piece of stone, and believed that it was built by ancient Egyptians in the 3 millennium BC, between 2520 BC and 2494 BC.
3. Mysterious Mosque Mosque of Sultan Hassan and al-Rifai, you can see the Islamic Cairo, Egypt. Sultan Hassan Mosque was built between 1356 and 1363 years BC, during the reign of the Mamluks. The walls of the mosque, according to historians, built from stones taken from one of the Great Pyramid at Giza.
4. The historical monument Mosque of Mohammed Ali Pasha in Cairo and the Citadel was built by order of Muhammad Ali Pasha, between 1830 and 1848. This Turkish mosque is the largest of the constructed in the first half of 19 century. It was built in memory of Tusun Pasha, eldest son of Muhammad Ali, who died in 1816.
5. Defending history Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the repository of the largest collections of Egyptian antiquities in the world.
6. Secluded retreat Golfer enjoys playing on the golf course the hotel Oberoi House near the Pyramids in Giza.
7. Paradise for shoppers Bazaar Khan Al-Khalili - the biggest shopping area in Cairo.
8. Rising from the ashes Pyramid Meydum stands on the edge of the desert in Beni Sueyf, 70 kilometers south of Cairo, and is the first Egyptian pyramid with the above-ground burial chamber. Erected the tomb may represent an attempt to raise the tomb close to the Sun God. The structure of the pyramid collapses under the influence of time and these fragments surround her at the base.
9. The magnificent fortress Fort Kvotbey is a fortress located on the Mediterranean coast of Alexandria, Egypt.
10. History The famous Library of Alexandria - one of the main sights of Egypt.
11. Cruise on the Nile The steamer "Sudan" cruises on the Nile to Aswan in Egypt.
12. Rooms with a view - Old Cataract Hotel, situated on a hilltop overlooking the River Nile in Aswan, Egypt.
13. Massivnoe constructionTemple of Horus at Edfu - the second largest temple in Egypt after the temple at Karnak, and the best preserved. It is dedicated to Horus, the god with the head of a falcon.
14. Architectural wonder Tourists visiting the stone columns, decorated with hieroglyphs in Karnak temple in Luxor.  Few places in Egypt produce more stunning and lasting impression than the chaos of walls, obelisks, columns, statues, stelae and decorated with pictures of boulders in the ancient Egyptian temple of Karnak.
15. Drawings on the wallsMurals decorate the temple of Karnak in Luxor in Egypt. Past 40 years, an ancient complex of Karnak Temple has been studied and restored the Franco-Egyptian archaeologists with stunning results.
16. Fixed guards Tourists visiting the Colossi of Memnon, two huge stone statues of Amenhotep III. The twin figures stand at the Necropolis Teba on the opposite bank of the Nile from the modern city of Luxor.
17. Tomb of Noble Ladies Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt, is built of limestone. "First among the noble" was the fifth pharaoh of 18 dynasties in ancient Egypt and the rules of longer any other woman in the Egyptian dynasty.
18. Monuments of cultural heritage - Construction of the temple of Abu Simbel lasted 20 years, from 1244 BC to 1224 BC. This building is included in the World Heritage List, adopted by UNESCO, and is known as the Monuments of Nubia, which are located downstream from Abu Simbel to File (near Aswan).
19. Ancient Monastery According to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Monastery of St. Catherine in the Sinai peninsula is the oldest active Christian monastery in the world.
20. Stark contrast A tourist stands on a huge karst formations created by sandstorms in the White Desert in Farafra, Egypt.
21. Jolting ride Camels look at the Red Sea in the Canyon Beach in Dahab. Camel safari - a popular entertainment in Southern Sinai.
22. See Red Sea The Red Sea is home to more than 1000 invertebrate species and 200 corals. This is the most approximate to the north of the tropical sea. It is extremely popular with divers and swimmers.
23. Time to rest Tourists relax on a terrace on the main street of Sharm al-Sheikh.
24. Conquering the Desert - A man examines the panorama of volcanic peaks created by wind and in the Black Desert.

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