Religious Thought 65

Not deluded by pride, free from selfish attachment and selfish desire, beyond the duality of pleasure and pain, ever aware of the Self, the wise go forward to that eternal goal. Neither the sun nor the moon nor fire can add to that light. This is my supreme abode, and those who enter there do not return to separate existence.
- Bhagavad Gita 15:5-6

The Buddha compared people to four kinds of clay vessels. One type of vessel has holes in the bottom. We can pour in as much water as we like and it runs right out. When this type of person hears the Dharma, it goes in one ear and out the other. The second type of vessel has cracks. Though we pour in the Dharma, it seeps out slowly until the vessel is empty again. The third vessel is full to the brim with stale water--views and opinions. One can't pour anything new in, everything is already known. The only useful vessel is the fourth, without holes or cracks and totally empty.
- Ayya Khema, "Be An Island"

Once Ibrahim bin Adham saw a stone with the inscription, "Turn me over and read!" When he did an inscription appeared: "You do not practice what you know. Why do you seek what you do not know?"
- Al-Hujwiri, "The Kashf al-Mahjub"

The Gospel is good news of mercy to the undeserving. The symbol of the religion of Jesus is the cross, not the scales.
- John Stott

His revelation is continuous. New aspects of the Torah unfold constantly. The more we study it, the more it expands.
- Judah Arieh, "Sefat Emet"

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