Religious Thought 078

Yesterday, I lived bewildered, In illusion. But now I am awake, Flawless and serene, Beyond the world. From my light The body and the world arise. So all things are mine, Or nothing is.
- Ashtavakra Gita

A person getting enlightened is like the moon reflecting in the water. The moon does not get wet, the water is not disturbed. Though it is a great expanse of light, it reflects in a little bit of water; the whole moon and the whole sky reflect even in the dew on the grass; they reflect even in a single drop of water. Enlightenment not disturbing the person is like the moon not piercing the water. A person not obstructing enlightenment is like the dewdrop not obstructing the heavens.
- Dogen, "Flowers Fall"

Have faith in God the Omnipotent, the Eternal, the First and the Last, who grants life and determines death. He bestows bounty, and only He can restore crushed hopes. Have faith, do not lose hope, wait patiently. He indeed will create a way to deliver you from your hardships.
- Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, "Fayuz E Yazdani"

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances.
- Robert Flatt

A truly generous man is he that always gives, whether it be much or little, before he is asked.
- Orchot Tsadiqim

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