Religious Thought 071

The ego is like a stick dividing water in two. It creates the impression that you are one and I am another. When the ego vanishes you will realize that Brahman is your own inner consciousness.
- Ramakrishna

Trivial thoughts, insignificant thoughts, When followed they distract the mind. Not understanding those thoughts The roaming mind runs back and forth. But by understanding those thoughts One ardent and mindful restrains the mind. An awakened one has overcome them completely So they do not arise to distract the mind.
- Udana

When Muhammad reached the Grand Mosque, most of the population was at the entrance, eager to look at him. As he went in, he threw the end of his cloak over his left shoulder, leaving his right arm free. He declared, "May God have mercy on the man who today shows the people he is strong." Then he walked round the Kaba, kissing each side, and finally kissing the black stone. After a short pause he trotted round the Kaba three times, and walked around it a further three times.
- Ibn Ishaq, "The Life of Muhammad"

Thou who hast given so much to me, give me one more thinga grateful heart!
- George Herbert
When man completes a product, his relation to it ends; but God's power continues to permeate His creatures.
- Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, "Tanya"

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