10.  Viper Fish - His fangs are so large that they don't fit inside of his mouth.  He kills his prey by swimming past them at high rates of speed, shanking them, prison style.
9.  The Lamprey - All I need to know is that they feed off of blood.  Mmmm-K, nuff said.
8.  The Moray Eel - The fact that it will bite anything that he feels is threatening him.  So if I walk by him, unknowingly, and he thinks my toe-jam stinks, he doesn't care if I'm 6' 6" tall and 500 pounds.   He will bite my toe off, making me 497 pounds.
7. The Vampire Squid -  If I knew nothing else about this thing other than his name, I mean Vampire?? Really??  Why don't you just call it The Squid of Death?
6.  The Angler Fish - I know it's small, but it's freaky looking and their pliable body structure allow them to swallow a prey even bigger than themselves.  Oh, hell no!!!!
5.  Monk Fish - It's ugly with a large gaping mouth.  I knew a guy like that once.  Simply creepy.
4.  The Sea Wolf - They look like zombie fish and in today's day and age you are what you look like.   And I fear zombies!!!!
3.  The Ogre Fish - Ugly bastard huh?  He's also referred to as Fang Tooth.   You know what they say, if it looks like it can kill ya and sounds like it can kill ya, know.
2.  The Umbrella Mouth Gulper Eel - It's jaw can open large enough for it to eat things a lot larger than himself.  Oh, and his stomach can stretch to accommodate such a meal.   Yea, nuff said.
1. The Great White Shark - Now I know that the Great white Shark isn't the most aggressive shark out there, I even know that he doesn't attack people like some other sharks do.  So why does this particular guy make me piss myself?  I blame Steven Spielberg and his little film called Jaws.

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