Religious Thought 54

When you keep thinking about sense objects, attachment comes. Attachment breeds desire, the lust of possession that burns to anger. Anger clouds the judgment; you can no longer learn from past mistakes. Lost is the power to choose between what is wise and what is unwise, and your life is utter waste. But when you move amidst the world of sense, free from attachment and aversion alike, there comes the peace in which all sorrows end, and you live in the wisdom of the Self.
- Bhagavad Gita 2:62-65

He who seeks happiness should withdraw the arrow; his own lamentations, longings and grief. With the arrow withdrawn, unattached, he would attain to peace of mind; and when all sorrow has been transcended he is sorrow-free and has realized Nibbana.
- Sutta Nipata

In separation from God you have become arrogant; pay heed before His scourge strikes you down. Do not exult because of your good fortune. Over and again God admonishes you with the examples of the transgressors before you. If you really want to enjoy the limitless bounty of Allah, surrender yourselves before His will and endure all afflictions with fortitude.
- Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani, "Fayuz E Yazdani"

Christ was not half a God and half a man; he was perfectly God and perfectly man.
- C.H. Spurgeon

The world is new to us every morning--this is the Holy One's gift and every person should believe he is reborn each day.
- Baal Shem Tov

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