Religious Thought 53

I was born from the nectar of immortality as the primordial horse and as Indra's noble elephant. Among men, I am the king. Among weapons I am the thunderbolt. I am Kamadhuk, the cow that fulfills all desires; I am Kandarpa, the power of sex, and Vasuki, the king of snakes.
- Bhagavad Gita 10:27-28

Attentiveness is the path to true life; Indifference is the path to death. The attentive do not die; The indifferent are as if they are dead already.
- Dhammapada

You are the sole companion of my heart, though my body is available for those who wish its company. This body is hospitable to its guests; the love of my heart is the guest of my soul.
- Rabi'a, "Rabi'a the Mystic"

Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them
- Leo Tolstoy

If a commandment comes your way, don't delay.
- Mekhilta, Bo

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