Religious Thought 52

Just as rivers flow from east and west to merge with the one sea, forgetting that they were ever separate rivers, so all beings lose their separateness when they eventually merge into pure Being.
- Chandogya Upanishad

All beings are by nature Buddha, as ice by nature is water. Apart from water there is no ice; apart from beings, no Buddha.
- Hakuin Zenji, "Song of Zazen

If in the darkness of ignorance, you dont recognize a persons true nature, look to see whom he has chosen for his leader.
- Rumi

We cannot grasp the true meaning of the divine holiness by thinking of someone or something very pure and then raising the concept to the highest degree we are capable of. Gods holiness is not simply the best we know infinitely bettered. We know nothing like the divine holiness. It stands apart, unique, unapproachable, incomprehensible, and unattainable. The natural man is blind to it. He may fear Gods power and admire His wisdom, but His holiness he cannot even imagine.
- A. W. Tozer

True divine religion needs neither arms nor fingers for its use; it is all spirit and heart.
- Moses Mendelssohn


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