Religious Thought 46

Having taught the Vedas, the teacher says: "Speak the truth. Do your duty. Neglect not The scriptures. Give your best to your teacher. Do not cut off the line of progeny. Swerve not From the truth. Swerve not from the good. Protect your spiritual progress always. Give your best in learning and teaching. Never fail in respect to the sages. See the divine in your mother, father, Teacher, and guest. Never do what is wrong. Honor those who are worthy of honor. Give with faith. Give with love. Give with joy. If you are in doubt about the right conduct, Follow the example of the sages, Who know what is best for spiritual growth. This is the instruction of the Vedas; This is the secret; this is the message."
- Taittiriya Upanishad

Whatever happiness is in the world has arisen from a wish for the welfare of others; whatever misery there is has arisen from indulging selfishness.
- Buddhist proverb

Practice what you have learned, for theory without practice is like a spirit without a body. One who is content with learning alone is not learned, for the truly learned seeks more than mere words. Divine guidance entails self-mortification, without which contemplation is unattainable.
- Al-Hujwiri, "The Kashf al-Mahjub"

God's everywhere. God's in the effort, God's in the struggle, whether that's for civil rights or creative expression. God's always in the struggle with us.
Anne Lamott

Rest is a state of peace between man and nature....Work is a symbol of conflict and discord; rest is an expression of dignity, peace, and freedom.
- Erich Fromm, "Forgotten Language"

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