Religious Thought 45

Even a little effort toward spiritual awareness will protect you from the greatest fear. Those who follow this path, resolving deep within themselves to seek Me alone, attain singleness of purpose. For those who lack resolution, the decisions of life are many-branched and endless.
- Bhagavad Gita 2:40-41

Nothing is born, nothing is destroyed. Away with your dualism, your likes and dislikes. Every single thing is just the One Mind. When you have perceived this, you will have mounted the Chariot of the Buddhas.
- Huang Po, Zen Teaching of Huang Po

Every prophet to the world came alone, within him carrying a hundred unseen worlds. The cosmos was charmed by his depth and folded itself into his modest frame. The foolish thought he was lonely and weak. With the King as his companion, how is he weak?
- Rumi

I am justified and acceptable to God even though there are in me sin, unrighteousness, and fear of death.
- Martin Luther

Great is the art of writing music or literature...But greater still is the art of bringing about one's regeneration.
- Eli Almi, "Our Unfinished World"

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