Religious Thought 36

Greatness is always humble. But pettiness is self-adorned with words of praise. Greatness abides in the absence of arrogance. Smallness proudly parades its haughtiness. Greatness conceals through silence the weaknesses of others. But pettiness proclaims such things to all.
- Tirukkural 98:978-980

Devoid of form and color, Excelling the sense of realms, Is this wondrous mind Out-reaching words and phrases.

- Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa

Remembrance is not remembered. I do not remember whether or not God remembered me in the past; he remembers me now. God does not remember whether I remembered him in the past; I remember him now. His remembrance is my remembrance, and mine is his. Can two beings who remember one another not be in union?
- Hallaj, "Tawasin"

Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself.
- St. Francis de Sales

Whether a man really loves God can be determined by the love he bears toward his fellow men.
- Levi Yitzhok, quoted in Buber, "Tales of the Hasidim"

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