Religious Thought 26

The ultimate Consciousness is always present everywhere. It is beyond space and time, with not before or after. It is undeniable and obvious. So what can be said about it?
- Abhinavagupta

Prostrating himself he cried, "You indeed are the noble one; I, the ignoble, feel abashed on your account. You are perfect and still remain obedient to His command; and I, barely a fraction, remain unjust, wicked, and unguided. You are perfect, yet are humble and fear the Lord; and I, the tainted, am averse and hostile."
- Rumi

Cast yourself in the arms of God and be very sure that if He wants anything of you, He will fit you for the work and give you strength.
- St. Philip Neri

An individual is a person, when and because he knows himself as such; a group is a people, when and because it knows itself as such.
- Mordechai Kaplan, "Future of the American Jew," 1948

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