Religious Thought 21

But there is no end to my divine attributes, Arjuna; these I have mentioned are only a few. Wherever you find strength, or beauty, or spiritual power, you may be sure that these have sprung from a spark of my essence.
- Bhagavad Gita 10:40-41

__._,_.___Leave the mind in its natural, undisturbed state. Don't follow thoughts of "This is a problem, that is a problem!" Without labeling difficulties as problems, leave your mind in its natural state. In this way, you will stop seeing miserable conditions as problems."
- Lama Zopa Rinpoche, "Transforming Problems Into Happiness"
The Prophet said: "Do not consider even the smallest good deed as unimportant, even if it's only meeting your brother with a cheerful face."
- Hadith narrated by Abu Dharr, as related by Muslim

I'm thankful, Lord, that all the darkness in the world has never put out Thy light.
- Unknown

Recite a hundred benedictions daily.
- Meir, Talmud: Menahot

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