Religious Thought 13

Disparaging words pain a man even when uttered in jest. Therefore, those who know human nature are courteous even to their enemies.
- Tirukkural 100:995

Without love we could not survive. Human beings are social creatures, and a concern for each other is the very basis of our life together.
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Dhu'l-Nun was asked: "What causes a devotee to be worthy of entrance to paradise?" He said: "One merits entrance to paradise by five things: unwavering constancy, unflagging effort, meditation on God in solitude and society, anticipating death by preparing provision for the hereafter, and bringing oneself to account before one is brought to judgment."

The twelve days of Christmas come to an end on January 6, and the season of the Epiphany begins...Epiphany not only ends Christmas, it also fulfills it by celebrating the revelation of the Christ to the whole world...
- Phyllis A. Tickle, "What the Heart Already Knows"

I know the power obedience has of making things easy which seem impossible.
- St. Teresa of Avila

So follow the way of the good, and keep to the paths of the just.
- Proverbs 2:20

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