Prettiest City Halls Of The World

In local government, a city hall, town hall or (more rarely) a municipal building or civic center, is the chief administrative building of a city town or other municipality. It usually houses the city or town council, its associated departments, and their employees. It also usually functions as the base of the mayor of a city, town, borough, or county. As symbols of local government, city and town halls have distinctive architecture, and the buildings may have great historical significance – for example the Guildhall, London. City hall buildings may also serve as cultural icons that symbolize their cities as is the case with Toronto City Hall, Brussels Town Hall, Philadelphia City Hall, and Los Angeles City Hall, that have been featured in Hollywood films.

Valencia City Hall

Paris City Hall

London City Hall

New York City Hall

Mechelen City Hall

Philadelphia City Hall

Madrid City Hall

Vienna City Hall

Cartagena City Hall

Tokyo City Hall

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