Nik Wallenda Tight rope Walk Niagara Falls

Daredevil Nik Wallenda became the first person to walk on a tightrope across the Niagara Falls. He traveled a distance of over 1,800 ft. before an estimated crowd of 112,000 people. Nik described wind “coming from every which way,” mist so powerful he had to blink it away to maintain his vision and a breathtaking view during the nighttime walk illuminated by spotlights that “compared to nothing.” “There was no way to focus on the movement of the cable,” said Wallenda, 33. “If I looked down at the cable there was water moving everywhere. And if I looked up there was heavy mist blowing in front of my face. So it was a very unique, a weird sensation.” He went on to describe that fatigue had set in by the halfway point and said “I’m strained, I’m drained. This is so physical, not only mental but physical.”

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