Hyper-realistic Sculptures by Marc Sijan

Milwaukee based artist Marc Sijan's Super realistic sculptures are "homages to humanity's fascination with its own forms - a fascination which has compelled artists throughout the millennia to mirror life in virtually every medium." Sijan's figures are incredibly lifelike, sensuous and graceful. In fact, they are so lifelike, they seem always on the verge of movement, a mere instant away from action. The pores in the skin, the tiny hairs, and veins; even the bald spots, the blemishes, the individual shapes of the faces that make human beings so similar, yet so unique: These are the essence of what makes Marc Sijan's work so arresting.

Sijan first works from live models, to produce a negative mold in plaster, and sculpts the interior with special tools and a magnifying glass to assure accurate detail. Then, he casts the figure in a polyester resin. To achieve realistic flesh tones, Sijan applies 25 coats of paint and adds varnish. Sijan uses oil paint in the final stages of the work. Now take a look at some more stunning hyper-realistic sculpture by Marc Sijan.

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