The most expensive picture in the world and other work

German photographer Andreas Gursky (Andreas Gursky) is known for his large-scale images of architecture and landscapes. The picture you see now, under the naming "Rhein II", was the most expensive photograph in history. Photo "Rhein II", a width of 3.6 meters, is a panorama of the Rhine River. It was established in 1999 and is part of a series of six shots, which Gursky reflected the panorama of the famous German river. Four of these photos are placed in major museums. auction organizers had planned to sell the "Rhein II" for 2.5-3 million dollars, but the buyer has exceeded expectations by nearly a million, offered for it $ 4.3 million. Who exactly was a connoisseur of pictures, it remains a mystery. propose to see more from the same photographer :)

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