Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)
A mother thrush laid five eggs in the engine of a hired minibus at Claro Barracks, Catterick Garrison, North Yorkshire. The Army had been renting the vehicle for 30 pounds a day and have to wait for the birds to fly the nest before they can return it; it has cost them about £1,000 so far.

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

Birds' Nests In Unusual Places (12 Photos)

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