The Amazing Road In Bolivia

In Bolivia , South America 

Stremnaya Road is nicknamed 'The Road of Death'
And you will take no convincing as to how appropriate that is.. 
Buckle U p... 







Seen Enough?? 
Oh No.. Your Trip Aint Over Yet! Check your seat belt's fastened one more time.. 


No Traffic at all today!! 


Spoke Too Soon.. 


Get Right Down into Low For This Hairpin 


Ok... Back into Top Gear and Accelerate 


Thats Great.. Doing Over 80 Now and Making Up Time.. 


Its So Wide Here.. and Easy To Make The Pass 


Hang On.. Wish I Had The Inside Lane 


You Just Honk and The Guy Coming Will Move Over Huh? 


I Don't Think He Heard Your Horn... 


Sorry.. We Just Lost The Curb This Morning . 


Not Much Further Now.. 

Oh.. Father.. 


Thanks For Coming. You Made It This Time ! 

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं:

एक टिप्पणी भेजें