16 Rarest Flower Species In The World

Beautiful flower blossoms are all the more precious when they are borne on rare or endangered plants. These flowers will not be making an appearance at your local florist or garden nursery, and many grow only in a few small botanical garden collections. The rarest flowers in the world span the globe and range from delightful and fragile to enormous and putrid. Certainly to classify the rarest flowers isn’t easy especially since, according to scientists, more than 270,000 types of flowers exist (which doesn’t include the 10 to 15% of unclassified flowers in remote regions of the world). Of those that are rare, here are not only the rarest flowers, but the flowers with unquestionably the most interesting stories. Regardless of what drove them to become rarities, the following plants are far and few between, and having the opportunity to see one for yourself should be a celebrated occurrence.

Middlemist Red (Middlemist Camellia)

Franklin Tree (Franklinia Alatamaha)

Drosera Capensis

Showy Lady Slipper (Cypripedium Calceolus)

Jade Vine (Strongylodon Macrobotrys)

Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos Atrosanguineus)

Koki’o (Kokai Cookei)

Wild Blue Lupine (Lupinus Perennis)

Big Leaf Magnolia (Magnolia Macrophylla)

Schweinitz Sunflower (Helianthus Schweinitzii)

Seven-Son Flower (Heptacodium Miconiodes)

Nepenthes Tenax

Corpse Flower (Amorphophallus Titanum)

 Campion (Silene Tomentosa)

Parrot’s Beak (Lotus Berthelotii)

Ghost Orchid (Epipogium Aphyllum/Dendrophylax Lindenii)

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