Terrific jokes in Indian languages

*Whats the opposite of Gopalakrishnan?
*What is the opposite of Subramnium Swamy?
*Subramanium Didn't See Me.
*How do they start a road race in Tamil Nadu?
*What do you call a really colourful Tamilian?
*Rangamannar Rangarajan.
*How does a Tamilian introduce the tennis superstar Lendl?
*ivan Lendl (Ivan 'he' in Tamil).
*What is the Tamil name for the tallest building in Japan ?
*Nikkumo Nikkado (Will it or wont it stand?)
*What is the difference between Kunnankudi Vaidyanathan and Gandhi?
*One is a violanist, the other is a non-violanist!
*What do you call an amazing Malayalee? - Pheno Menon.
*What do you call a dashing Malayalee? - Debo Nair.
*What do you call a Malayalee drunkard? - Kutty Sark.
*Why do they require 5 people for a Malayalee funeral?
*Four to carry the coffin and one person to carry the two-in-one.
*Why did the Malayalee cross the road?
*To join the trade union on the other side.
*What do you call:
*A god fearing Sindhi? Bhagwandas Godwani
*A Sindhi painter? Sadarangani
*A Sindhi chef? Papadmull Kukreja
*A Sindhi electrician? Voltram Bijlani
*A Sindhi milkman? Gopal Dudeja
*A Sindhi pest control contractor? Khatmull Marwani
*A Sindhi stripper working in New York? Barbra Jhangiani
*A Sindhi casanova? Prem Kissinchandani
*A Sindhi fire-engine? Bhambhani
  A Sindhi detergent? Neelam Rin-dani (Rin is a Detergent)
*A Sindhi postman? Mailwani
*A communist Sindhi? Karl Lal-wani (Lal for the red communist flag)
*A fashionable Sindhi? Jogio Armani
*A heroic Sindhi soldier? Hiroo Sipahimalani
*A forgetful Sindhi? Bulo Bhulchandani
*A fashionable Sindhi? Primlani
*A fat Sindhi? Hathiramani
*A downtrodden Sindhi? Nichani
*A corrupt Sindhi? Chaipani (Chai-pani is colloquial for bribe')
*A Sindhi fly? Makhija
*What do you call a Sindhi with six knees : Sahani ( Shaha knee)
*A Sindhi who falls from the 1st floor? Thad-ani (Thud-ani)
*A Sindhi who falls from the 10th floor? Kriplani (Cripple-ani)
*A Sindhi who falls from the 25th floor? Mar-jani
*Why are a Sindhis nostrils big? Because air is free
*What is a gay Maharashtrian called?
*Deccan Queen
*What do you call a modern Maharashtrian?
*Western Ghat.
*What do you call a Maharashtrian tailor?
*Which Maharashtrians wrote the book 'Apartheid in South Africa?'
*Dhaval Gore and Krishnakant Kale.
*What did Bruce Lee say to the Maharashtrian?
*Tumhi Marathe, Aamhi Karate.
*Why did the Gujjus think the man who acted as Gandhi in the film was
*a woman? Because his name was 'Ben'Kingsley.
*Why does the Gujju go to London? To see his Big Ben.
*Why does the Gujju take a 2-in-1 to the bathroom? Because his mom
*said that water came out of the tape (tap)
*Why did the visitor to the Gujju home run away when he was offered
  Because the Gujju said he would serve snakes with it. (snacks)
*What is a Gujju picnic called? A snake in the grass
*Why did the Gujju wear a Tuxedo to his vasectomy?
*If he was going to be impotent, he wanted to look impotent
*Why did the American get scared of the Gujju?
*Because he said 'Sue kare chhe.'
*What did the Gujju mean when he said, Maro dikro STATES ma gayon?
*His son failed in statistics.
*Maro dikro Dubai gayo? My son drowned.
*Why was the Gujju stacking up pennies on the day before
*exams? He wanted to get cent-par-cent.
*Which programs do gujjus couples love to watch on tv ?
*Be-watch (Baywatch, Be in gujju is 2)
  What do you call a knee less gujju ? Nilesh (Pronounced Nee-Less)
*An angry Bengali letter? Chitti-chitti Bong Bong
*A talkative Bengali? Bulbul Chatterjee
*An outlawed Bengali? Kanoon Banerjee
*An enlightened Bengali? Jyoti Basu
*A Bengali who works? A work of fiction
*A stupid Bengali girl? Balika Buddhu
*A Bengali marriage? Bedding
*A Bengali voyeur? Keyhollo
*A mad Bengali? In Sen (insane)
*A dark Bengali who lives in a cave? Kalidas Guha
*A Bengali mobster? Robin Ganguli
*A perfumed Bengali? Chandan Dass
*A Bengali goldsmith? Shonar Bongla
*What s bigger than the state of Bengal? The Bay of Bengal
*What's bigger than the Bay of Bengal? The Bengali Ego
*When does a Bengali sound like a dog? When he says Bow (wow)
*Also when he bharks (works).

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