Pencil Vs Camera Art By Ben Heine

Ben Heine is a famous Belgian artist who is known for the pencil vs camera series. "Pencil Vs Camera is all about illusion, dream, poetry, magic and simplicity," says Heine.

She added: "The challenge is to create a 3D-like drawing on a piece of paper; the sketch should beconnected with the photographic background but it should also say a little story by itself. I always try to give symbolic meaning to my drawings so that the message goes deeper than the photo alone. The combination of drawing and photography is really a powerful way to express ideas. There are no limits because everything is possible; every single illusion can be created on the paper."

Justrecently, Heine made few pieces for the Art Official Concept, an art gallery in Cape Verde, West Africa. The Republic of Cape Verde is an island country, spanning an archipelago of 10 volcanic islands located in the central Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Western Africa. Though tiny in area, the islands have beautifull andscapes including barren flats, verdant valleys, and a single volcanic peak whose slopes are streaked with rivers of frozen lava.

Though at first glance one might find Heine's work simplistic (funny doodles placed in front of a background), it's actually far from it. Heine melds his love and passion for illustration and photography to come up with pieces that stretch our imagination. His work is fresh and original and could only come from a person who truly experiences life - who appreciates the world's varying landscapes and diverse backgrounds. Now, take a look at some more creative work of Ben Heine...


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