Method to Drink Water

Method to Drink Water

 The Human body is about 60 to 70 percent water. Everyday about 2.3 litres of water is excreted daily from our body in the form urine, excreta, sweat etc. We feel thirsty when the body needs water. So in order to replenish it, one should take the required quantity of water. To take water in excess or less than our requirement , take water when we feel no thirsty or avoid water when we feel thirsty is to invite ailments.

How to take water according to Ayurveda

1. Intake of water before meals debilitates the digestive fire and causes weakness in the body.

2. Luke warm water should be  taken in between the meal. It facilitates the digestion of food and balances all the seven constituent elements of the body.It also enhances the body strength. Cold water is harmful for the body. Normally drinking about one glass (250 ml.) water in between the meal is sufficient.

3. Drinking water immediately after having food augments cough in the body and causes obesity. Ideally one should consume water one and half hour after the meals.

4. Care should be taken to fill up half the stomach with food, one-foruth with water and remaining one-fourth should be kept empty for the circulation of the air.

5. Till the thorough digestion of fired and heavy food one normally feels thirsty time and again. In order to seek relief , one should prefer to drink luke-warm water.

6. One should take cold water during summer season only. It is better to drink normal or luke-warm water in rainy and winter seasons.

7. Intake of half  litre of water (kept overnight) two hours before sunrise helps in safeguarding against innumerable diseases.

8. Drinking hot water that is boiled & simmered for some time actually helps in balancing Tridosh i.e disorder of the three humours viz. wind, bile and phlegm. Water boiled till 3/4 quantity left is best remedy for wind related problems. For the bile therapy, it should be boiled till 1/2 quantity remains and when 1/4 quantity is left, it is good cure for cough.

9. It is advised to drink liquids only when the breathing takes place through left nostril. If inhalation from the right nostril is on, it is suggested to close this side to allow the inhalation through the left side of the nostril.

10. It is detrimental to drink water while standing. Rather one should always sit & allow sipping of water.


* If one does not take water to quench thirst he will suffer from dryness of mouth, fatigue, partial deafness, giddiness, heart ailments and weakness of sense organs  etc.

*Excessive intake of water makes the intestines, arteries, heart,, kidney,  ureters & live toil unnecessarily, which in due course debilitates them.
* Too much intake of water leads of acidity, dropsy , head related ailments, impotency, swelling, urinary ailments, chronic diarrhoea , dysentery etc. For the total daily supply of 2300 ml. water, drink one and half litre water and around 800 ml. water should be taken under food items like rice, watery vegetables, pulses, bread etc. This quantity changes according to season, country, time, diet, profession, daily routine etc. During summers, the extra requirement of water can be compensated by the fruit juices, milk, sherbet etc.

*Indigestion, gas in the stomach, light fever, hiccups, asthma, obesity , feeble digestive fire, stomach ache, cold, running nose etc, can be checked with hot water intake.

*Drinking of cold water is beneficial in various ailments like burning sensation, giddiness, faintness, exhaustion, bile humour, discharge of blood from the body &sudden fits of weakness etc.

*Drinking excessively cold water can be harmful for heart;it produces back-ache,hiccups,cough, asthma & other phlegm related ailments

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