7 Most Bizarre Reward Stories

 Website Offers $1M For Proof Of Sex With Jets' Tim Tebow
Jets quarterback Tim Tebow has steadfastly maintained he is a virgin while living the high-profile life of a professional athlete. Well, controversial website AshleyMadison.com apparently wants to challenge one of Tebow's core beliefs. They're offering up big money to any woman who can prove she has slept with the NFL sensation.

CNBC sports business reporter Darren Rovell tweeted the rumblings of a $1 million bounty. The company retweeted Rovell and issued a confirmationvia Twitter, “@darrenrovell @TimTebow – It's true Darren…we're just worried it might cost us millions!” Ashley Madison provides matches for those seeking an extramarital affair. The company is described on its homepage as the “most recognized name in infidelity.” (Link)

Company Held Orgy To Reward Salesmen
A German insurance company decided to reward the success of its sales staff in a rather unusual way – with a prostitute-filled orgy. While most organizations might show their appreciation for their employees with a free night out or a generous bonus package, insurance giant Munich Re decided a night of sex was the best way to keep staff motivated. One of its divisions, Ergo, has admitted that an orgy in a Budapest spa was organized in 2007 to reward particularly successful salesmen, with guests able to take prostitutes to bed and "do whatever they like." But a participant in the orgy has revealed that far from being a chaotic free-for-all, the occasion was extremely well organized, with prostitutes wearing color-coded armbands and receiving stamps after rendering their services. The unnamed man toldGerman newspaper Handelsblatt, "After each encounter the women were stamped on the lower arm in order to keep track of how often each woman was frequented. The women wore red and yellow wrist bands. One lot was hostesses, the others would fulfill your every wish." (Link | Via)

School District Gives Away Camaro as a Reward for Good Attendance and Grades
In order to motivate student performance, a school district in Fort Worth, Texas, gave a 2011 Chevrolet Camaro to a student who demonstrated excellent attendance records and grades. Here's how the game worked:
The names of 25 lucky students were drawn at the district's TV studio. Students earned tickets throughout the year based on their academic performance. Better attendance and higher grades meant more chances to win.
Kenzie Deaton won the car. But she's only 14, so she'll have to wait a while before she can legally drive it. (Link | Via)

 Wanted Man Turns Himself In For Reward
Taliban commander Mohammad Ashan saw his face on a wanted poster and noted the reward was $100. So he grabbed a poster and went to a police checkpoint in the district of Sar Howza, Afghanistan, where he demanded the reward. Officials arrested him instead. He was wanted for plotting attacks on Afghan security forces.

When U.S. troops went to confirm that Ashan had in fact come forward to claim the finder's fee, they were initially incredulous. “We asked him, ‘Is this you?' Mohammad Ashan answered with an incredible amount of enthusiasm, ‘Yes, yes, that's me! Can I get my award now?'” recalled SPC Matthew Baker. A biometric scan confirmed that the man in Afghan custody was the insurgent they had been looking for. “This guy is the Taliban equivalent of the "Home Alone” burglars,” one U.S. official said. (Link | Via)

World's Most Generous Boss Gives a $15 Million Reward to Employees
An Australian boss has stunned his staff by giving them a staggering $15 million in bonuses as a thank you for their service. Ken Grenda and his sons gave the cash rewards to almost 2,000 employees after the sale of their 66-year-old Melbourne-based bus company, Grenada Corp. Some employees were so shocked by the gesture that they called their banks to ask if there had been a mistake in their statements. The bonuses, averaging $8,500, were based on the length of service. Some workers received $30,000 to $100,000 each. The Grenda family had raked in $400m after selling the company to Ventura, another transport company in 2011. (Link | Via)

PETA Offers $1 Million Prize for Lab-Grown Meat
No stranger to controversy and publicity stunts, PETA is back – and this time, the animal rights group is putting money where its mouth is: PETA is offering a $1 million reward to the first scientist to produce, and bring to market, lab-grown meat.

Scientists around the world are researching or seeking funds to research ways to produce meat in the laboratory—without killing any animals. In vitro meat production would use animal stem cells that would be placed in a medium to grow and reproduce. The result would mimic flesh and could be cooked and eaten. Some promising steps have been made toward this technology, but we're still several years away from having in vitro meat be available to the general public.

Would you eat lab-grown meat? (Link | Via | Photo)

The Group Of Prisoners Who Won A Trip as a Prize But Couldn't Use It
A group of prisoners was thrilled when they won first prize in a national reading contest. But then they realized they would not be able to claim their reward - a trip to Scotland. Instead the 12, who won the Penguin/Orange Reading Group prize, were visited by author Nick Hornby at High Down prison in Surrey, England.

They will also pocket £200 worth of books. The second-placed team from the Isle of Islay Book Group was given first prize - an all-expense-paid trip to the Edinburgh Book Festival which starts next week. (Link)

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