
Tadarida is quiet rare kind of bat! I am sure you have never seen it in a nature condition. They have really bit strange looking and hheir dorsal fur is black-grey. Ventral fur is grey or white-grey. Tadarida species are known as dissapearing kinds so I’ve decided to show it to you.

As you see their ears long and broad and project forwards beyond eyes and face. Base of ears touches at front. Tadarida proved to be a late emerger, leaving the roost about one hour after sunset and, in contrast to most insectivorous bat species, only had one foraging bout.

arida was found to be a strong flyer, reaching speeds of over 50 km/h, and flying for up to 10 hours without resting periods. The observed speeds were 2.5 times higher than the predicted maximum range speed, which may be possible due to peculiar adaptations to high-speed flight.

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