Recycled Tires In Service Of Artwork

Over 1 billion tires are manufactured annually, made of synthetic rubber, natural rubber, carbon black, polyester fabric, and steel wire, tires stay in the environment a long time. Today a typical tire consists of about 28 percent natural rubber, 28 percent synthetic rubber (made from oil), and 28 percent carbon black filler—a material produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products. Anywhere from 15 to 38 liters of oil is used to make a standard tire. The remaining 16 percent of the tire is composed of different functional agents such as Softeners (hydrocarbon oil, resins), Antidegradants (para-phenylenediamine, paraffin), Curatives (sulfur, sulfemamides) and Activators (zinc oxide, stearic acid). If tires burn – it is an extremely toxic cocktail, both for the atmosphere and nearby groundwater. Hopefully, the future holds promise, as manufacturers are now testing more sustainable ingredients. Therefore, people began to recycle them and take full use. Some enviromental-friendly artists like Mirko Flodin, Chakaia Booker, Ann Carrington, Yong Ho Ji and AnneMarie Van Splunter employ recycled tires to make the most stylish and unique artworks. Have a look what they have done.

Mirko Flodin

Chakaia Booker

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