Mammoths Doomed by Hunting

Mammoths Doomed by Hunting

The question at the heart of an age-old murder mystery: Who or what killed off the mammoths?
A new study has found that overhunting by our ancestors, coupled with a sharp cooling event around 12,900 years ago, may have led to the mammoth’s demise. Sounds a lot like the fate of the bison just without all of the Ice Age factor to the story…
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2

Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2
Mammoths Doomed by Hunting   animals 2

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